Pat Lee
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Apple X RED X SHAW Event Pictures|Apple X RED X 邵氏活動照片|Apple X RED X 邵氏活动照片

We had a wonderful event with Apple and RED at Shaw Studios where 300 people showed up. The event was to showcase how Apple and RED products support each other in film production. It was exciting to see how many people showed up and I got a chance to illustrate a ROBOT piece using black acrylic paint. The live painting lasted for 30 minutes and we had some music composers mix some music while 2 RED cameras were filming. Special thanks to all those who showed up at the event and looking forward to doing more of these type of events soon. Below are some more pictures from the event.The RED cameras are extremely sophisticated. It's fully adjustable with tons of options and attachments. You can adjust the colors while you are filming which will give you the general idea of how the film will look like. It's an amazing piece of machine and cost less then a brand new Honda Civic - Affordable.Here was sweet MAC they were using for the presentation. Nice piece of machinery.Here's the super projector that we were using the display on the big screen.Here is the first wave of people coming in. Luckily we just had enough chairs for everyone. Looks like it's getting packed - time to get everyone prepared for the event.Here trying to think of what to draw, didn't do much planning haha![](/attachments/2009/04/01/05/23160_200904010534415.thumb.jpg)The image looks good on the monitor but not as good as when you look inside the scope. I was impressed at how the camera looks. It's extremely well designed and sophisticated - plan to use this camera on future shoots.Alright - Here we start![](/attachments/2009/04/01/05/23160_200904010534417.thumb.jpg)Thanks to Eric Stark who introduced me in the opening.The screen was HUGE. Alright here I go - I got 30 minutes to kill on this piece. Here is the final piece. I might have splashed some paint on the green screen behind me - ooops![](/attachments/2009/04/01/05/23160_2009040105344119.thumb.jpg)Love these giant Airconditioning vents.That's a rap. Time to go to GarageWorks... Will upload pictures on my next blog! Now I'm chilling at my brother's place in Toronto and seeing my dear family. It's nice to be with them and almost been half a year since I've seen them. Will share pictures of that as well on my next blog. PEAcE to you all and God BlessPat Lee | 我們和APPLE及RED在邵氏影城舉辦了一個非常精彩的活動,有三百人出席活動。這個活動意在展示APPLE和RED如何支持每一部電影作品。很興奮看到這麼多人出席讓我有機會展示一幅運用黑色顏料噴繪的機器人。現場作畫持續30分鐘,有幾個音響師混音,兩架RED進行拍攝。特別要感謝所有出席活動的人,期待不久能夠做一些更多這樣類型的活動。下面是更多來自活動的照片。RED攝像機極其精致。它完全可調節菜單和附件。當你在拍攝時你可以把顏色調節成你想要的樣子。它是一個令人稱奇的機器,至少價值一輛全新的Honda Civic - Affordable。這是一個他們用來陳述的可愛的麥克風,不錯的機器。這個超級放映機我們用在一個大屏幕上展示。這是進來的第一波。幸運的是我們有足夠的椅子准備給每個人。似乎准備好了--是時侯讓每個人都為活動做好准備了。這是在想畫什麼,還沒有開始畫哈哈這幅圖在監視器上看著不錯但是不及用視野范圍內看著好。用攝像機拍攝的樣子讓我印象很深刻。這架機器設計的很棒很精准--計劃用這架機器來做未來的拍攝。好吧,我們開始了。感謝在開場介紹我的Eric Stark。屏幕很巨大。好的我來了,我用30分鐘結束了這幅作品。這是最終的成品。我可以在我后面的綠色屏幕上噴一些顏料。哦~~喜歡這些巨大的通風口。這是rap。要去汽車修理廠了...下次blog裡更新圖片!現在我要去多倫多我哥哥那放鬆一下,看看我親愛的家人。和他們在一起很好,我幾乎有半年沒見到他們了。在我的下一篇blog裡分享照片。

祝你們安好,上帝保佑!!Pat Lee| 我们和APPLE及RED在邵氏影城举办了一个非常精彩的活动,有三百人出席活动。这个活动意在展示APPLE和RED如何支持每一部电影作品。很兴奋看 到这么多人出席让我有机会展示一幅运用黑色颜料喷绘的机器人。现场作画持续30分钟,有几个音响师混音,两架RED进行拍摄。特别要感谢所有出席活动的 人,期待不久能够做一些更多这样类型的活动。下面是更多来自活动的照片。RED摄像机极其精致。它完全可调节菜单和附件。当你在拍摄时你可以把颜色调节成你想要的样子。它是一个令人称奇的机器,至少价值一辆全新的Honda Civic - Affordable。这是一个他们用来陈述的可爱的麦克风,不错的机器。 这个超级放映机我们用在一个大屏幕上展示。这是进来的第一波。幸运的是我们有足够的椅子准备给每个人。似乎准备好了--是时侯让每个人都为活动做好准备了这是在想画什么,还没有开始画哈哈![](/attachments/2009/04/01/05/23160_200904010534415.thumb.jpg)这幅图在监视器上看着不错但是不及用视野范围内看着好。用摄像机拍摄的样子让我印象很深刻。这架机器设计的很棒很精准--计划用这架机器来做未来的拍摄。好吧,我们开始了。感谢在开场介绍我的Eric Stark。屏幕很巨大。好的我来了,我用30分钟结束了这幅作品。这是最终的成品。我可以在我后面的绿色屏幕上喷一些颜料。哦~~喜欢这些巨大的通风口。这是rap。要去汽车修理厂了...下次blog里更新图片!现在我要去多伦多我哥哥那放松一下,看看我亲爱的家人。和他们在一起很好,我几乎有半年没见到他们了。在我的下一篇blog里分享照片。祝你们安好,上帝保佑!!Pat Lee

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  35 评论s  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
looks great, and nice pose
大约 15 年 ago
22475 2009020806404418 dot thumb
I can't wait to start shooting with the RED!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 247143
cool man....
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 33405
as always, great job! :)
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 319485
SWEEEEET!! As Always, You ROCK!! :) ~Shairah~
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 319485
Amazing. It must be similar to creating a song :)
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 63849
thats awesome - all drawn straight with pen no projector nothing? crazy talent. id probably screw up the proportions drawing that big!
大约 15 年 ago
seriously...you are too cool for skool~
大约 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great photography
大约 15 年 ago
Sarahlian 2
OMG it looks amazing! Wish I could commission u to do my wall in my room!!!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 87684
Which of the transformers robot is it?
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 23936
God damn you blow my mind dude
大约 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007