Official Artist
Marie Olaerts
Cinematographer / Camera Operator
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off to Cannes Film Fest

Hi everyone!

should any of be be at Cannes and fancy getting together,

this is my number there:

0032 494 924326

I'll be there from tonight until the eve of the 21st.

maybe I'll see you there!


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

AnDMeet at Cannes?

Hi all,

I'm not sure how many of you are going to Cannes and what days you might be there, but this might be a good occasion to get some of the AnD folk together!?

I know Pedro sent a general question about who was going to go, and I know some of the Reiki and Life is an Art crew and cast are going to be there, but I want to see some new faces too! ;)

What say you?

I'll be there from the 17th late afternoon til the 21st and I'd really like to see you there!



almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Reiki at EFF: Final Act

So for the final instalment of the Reiki gang scaring innocent bystanders at the Elf Fantasy Festival in Holland... Even though there isn't really a lot more to tell other then that we had a great time.

Seeing as how Pedro and Annelien had been behind the stand most of the day while the rest of us went here and there going 'ohh' and 'ahh' seeing all the wicked things about, I offered to relieve them and kicked them out into the perrils of the festival itself.

Also as I made Annelien madly jealous wh...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares

Reiki at the Elf F. Fair - second installment

As promised, the before were by far not all pictures... and trying to make promised things happen, here's a whole load of magical creatures more.

We were very lucky with the weather. There was sun but it wasn't too warm and seeing some costumes, I can only imagine how happy those people must have been. We at the Reiki stand weren't that pleased with the constant gales as they kept blowing our pictures and cards off the table, but we couldn't complain.


Anyway, so the ...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  36 comments  0 shares

Reiki at the Elf Fantasy Fair

So... Last Saturday, I followed part of our wonderful Reiki crew and cast to the Netherlands to the Elf Fantasy Fair, which, as you might guess, is very aptly described by its name.

Pedro, the director of Reiki, met with Cela, Annelienand me at the entrance showed us the stand and the absolutely super-cool posters o...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares

strange late night attempts...

ok, I've been agonizing for far too long about a business card for myself...

at last, I have made something I am reasonably happy with... considering it's me who made it...

anyways, I thought I'd throw it to you creative wolves to have a go at.

this specifically was made for a photography assignment (eg 'photography' coming before cinematography) on my official card it would be the other way around.

Also, HareMoon is something I kinda whipped up as I felt like I needed someth...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Life is an Art - the official movie teaser

Official site:


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlR7A2xQwNA

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

life in film

or I should say lack of life outside of the set when you're filming. this is going to be a very short post, the longer one with our adventures and the whole shabang will be on as soon as I get home, at this point I merely wanted to let you all know that I am indeed still alive and in holland working on life is an art, the feature film we'll soon be wrapping.


and I must say I think it's going to be AWESOME!!! keep an eye out, people ;)

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Life is an Art

A promising story of which we recently shot the teaser in the hope of gathering the funds to make this feature and give this gem of a story all the attention it deserves.

The cast is great, there's some of the Reiki-gang teaming back up in this one as well as some other established faces!

For more information, please check out the site:


And enjoy the teaser!

Video: Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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about 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


"The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fant

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December 26, 2007