Official Artist
Loan Trinh
Graphic Designer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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I like strawberries

A very short note to tell you that i'm in HK since last friday.

I will post later pictures from Dance Space Ignition and the AND Halloween party, but both events were sick !!!! ^^ I was supposed to come back to SH friday but i changed my ticket to sunday so one more WE in HK yeah !!

Right now i'm in a Charlie Brown Cafe in Tsim sha tsui, enjoying free Wifi, caramel mocha coffee, and smoked salmon bagel

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

It's time to get ready for the IGNITION !

In less than 2 weeks, you will know why for 2 months now i look so tired...

Because in less than 2 weeks... the DANCE SPACE IGNITION event will get started (27 oct to 30 oct.) !!!!

look who is sponsoring us also ? ;)###I will not say what it's all about because all the details are Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Chinese holiday !

Last week, for the Chinese national holidays, i went on a trip out of Shanghai for the first time ^^

As everybody worked really hard lately for our next event, they decided to take a break of 2 days far from the city and they took me with them... I said "they took me with them" because until the day before the departure i was not aware about the plan.

King just told me:

"Tomorrow take some clothes with you and your stuffs, after work we all go on holiday"

"WHAT ? But I can not... I s...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

My job ?

A friend asked me to give more details about my work and where i'm working...

As i did a very long entry earlier, i will try to keep it short.

So first here is my desk :

I'm trying to keep it clean as I already have a big pink poo on it......Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Lucky girl !

Friday night I've been to Rack's for the painting live performance of Andrew Lin and Li Zan :)

It was great and I wish I could buy the 2 paintings that represent "Alive not Dead"

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares


Despite an obvious lack of sleep, I finally finished reading Twilight at 5AM 2 days ago.

I must say that since the last Harry Potter came out I was sad to not having any teenager's story to read. Yeah that's right, I like this kind of literature I think it's relaxing and more magic than adult stories.

Anyway, I totally enjoyed this 1st book and I would love share it with my chinese friends as I saw the book in mandarin version in a bookstore few weeks ago.

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

More human than human

it's almost 6AM and i can not sleep.

I think it's pretty ironical since my body is very tired from 1 month with 5h or 6h of sleep per night.

And no it's not because i danced too much !

I got a new job, a really exciting, fulfilling and ...tiring job. I must be kinda masochist or something to accept to do the job of 7 different positions AND beside that to accept to have freelance job.

Yes i didn't type wrong, i said 7 positions:

Artistic director

Graphic designer

Ma...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

No time

It has been like more than 2 weeks that I wanted to update my blog without having the chance to do it... >_<

Damn it !!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

The return of the Loan

No i'm not dead =p !!!

Actually I went to Vietnam for 2 weeks and i came back last week to Shanghai. I wanted to post about my trip in this blog but I got to be really busy with XWT right after my return. in few words, Vietnam is beautiful... out of the city. I stayed in Hochiminh city and i must admit I enjoyed better the small cities i visited. Landscapes were amazing. But hopefully I was with my parents in Hochiminh and listening them telling my story, showing me where we used to live when i was born, where they used to ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

I dance like a boy who dance like a girl

I think I should explain my dance schedule to make you understand how my body is tired tonight...and also my brain.

Monday to Thursday : Hip hop class with Ryan and King (2 differents chore because 2 styles)

Friday: Hip hop Jazz with Max

Saturday: Emma Style class with Emma and L.A Style with King

Sunday : Emma Style class and Hip hop jazz with Lee

So finally every week I dance 22h30 and I must remember 6 different choreography. My friends say I'm going to be crazy ...or rea...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


I look japanese,chinese or korean but I'm not...But for sure, I am french. I like when life is random, full of surprises and fun stuffs. I try to go forward,

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Languages Spoken
english, french, vietnamese
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
October 19, 2007