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Scuba diving with Thresher sharks & sea snakes

ADVENTURE GIRLS - Preview episode 9

Ah, this was the most risky adventure on our trip to the Philippines.

While Betty and Sunny explored Cebu city, unit 1 and I went to Malaspascua. It's a small island with not too many tourists, so it's not a bad place to relax and do some scuba diving.

My own little cute bungalow

We did 5 dives in two days.

It was pretty exhausting as it were "work dives"  We were constantly looking for sharks and other interesting sea creatures. There's a better chance to spot the sharks in the early morning so the first day we woke up at 5am and the second day at 4:30.

On the first day we did three dives...We were all knackered when we finished...

Having breakfast at 8am after our first dive.

My mission was to get up and close to sea animals and film them.

Funnily enough I was more worried about the nasty sea urchins when I was filming this shark...The urchins were everywhere!

Nasty nasty!

I loooove Nemo though!

Clown fish are my fave fish!!!

Soooo cute!

Here they are, venomous sea snakes! Sea snakes belong to the group of most poisonous reptiles in the world. They are more venomous than the cobra and rattle snake!

Playing with a snake...

Oh... Wonder what my mom would say if she saw this...

I was swimming along with one to the surface, making sure I wasn't blocking his way. The snake needs to surface to breath now and then. So he might bite you if you block his way!

Filming each other under water

Say cheese!

This is Gary, our main man in the Philippines! He was putting a sea urchin to good use!

Happy to have fulfilled my mission!

On our way back to Cebu to catch up with the girls and the rest of the other unit.

I love boat rides...I got burned on this boat trip, haha.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares
Photo 23833
beautiful picture!~
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
um, did i say this before? you have the coolest job EVER! EE-VEE-EE-ARE!
16 年多 ago
Photo 39462
wahhhh i'd love to see what you are seeing and in some way i am and thank you for sharing! the world is so big and beautiful and i am having an urge to get up and out there to explore xx
16 年多 ago
wow ... u must be enjoyed alot !!! U KNOW ? actully that everything u'v doen lately !!! that's all what i want !!! i am so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!! ADI
16 年多 ago
Photo 33405
wow, what an adventure! how close to the shark did you get?
16 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
y god girl.. YOU are FIERCE!...beautiful sea creatures but rather you than me!
16 年多 ago
Oh wow Li Tong, You really are an adventure girl ! How interesting. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful trips you've had !!
16 年多 ago


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Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
May 14, 2007