Lisa Selesner
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We Did It!|我們結婚了!|我们结婚了!|私たち結婚したわよ!

As I'm sure some of you have noticed, I haven't blogged in almost a year. So what better way to jump back into the blog-o-sphere then with the very happy announcement that Daniel and I finally did it. We are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Wu. We took the plunge near my house in South Africa. It was a mystical, rustic, pure, beautiful ceremony that blew the socks off all of our guests. Unfortunately pictures cannot truly make one feel the energy that was swirling around us in the forest. I couldn't have even imagined a better way to get married. Definitely one of the happiest days of my life!


|我相信一些人已经注意到,差不多一年的时间我都没有更新博客。所以没有什么回归方式可以比得上高兴的宣布我同Daniel已经结婚了。我们已正式结为夫 妻。婚礼在我南非的房屋附近举行。神秘、纯朴、纯洁、美好的仪式感染了在场的所有来宾。遗憾的是照片无法让人切实感受置身森林时围绕在我们身边的能量。我 想不出比这更好的结婚方式了。那绝对是我人生中最快乐的一天!

| みんなも知ってのとおり、私はここ一年ほどブログに何も書かなかったわね。ブログモードに戻るために、まず喜ばしいお知らせからはじめようかな。ダニエル と私はついに結婚したのよ。私たちは正式にウー・夫妻になったのよ。私たちは南アフリカの私の家の近くで結婚したの。神秘的で、素朴で、純粋で美しい式で 出席者の度肝を抜いたのよ。森で私たちの周りを取り巻いていたエネルギーを写真では伝えられないのが残念。未だに結婚式の正しい作法がよくわからないの よ。それでも、これは絶対に人生の中で最も幸せな日のうちの一つなのよ!

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  231 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Nice! You guys look so happy! Only took like 9 years! ;-)
大约 14 年 ago
Prodipleung 6a prodipleung
Happy Happy Joy Joy !!!
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Lisa W!
大约 14 年 ago
Great pic! Congrats, you guys. Wishing you happiness and the best life has to offer.
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
worth waiting a year for! ;-)
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 69762
Congrats you guys are beautiful
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 61114
Congratulations! Talk about WTF moment! Its really cool that you guys had your ceremony in South Africa! Very different than most celeb weddings and you get stars for originality. Nice work keeping the secret even up until the Hope and Glory press interviews! Again, congrats!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 34291
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 74817
Congratulations to both of you!!! Wish you a life of happiness!!! :)
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 65734
OMG Lisa thats the amazing and very happiest news. Sorry cant get it when you told me you was in South Africa these days.But really so nice to meet both of you and wish you millions of luck/happiness/health/happily forever and ever. congrats to LISA and DANIEL.....
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 446869
As you begin a new life together...Here's me, wishing you the best for your future together :)
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 181314
Congrats! very happy for you and Daniel :D
大约 14 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 27, 2005