Official Artist
Roger Fan
Actor , Producer
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I love to travel.  There is nothing I enjoy more than to encounter the unique smells of a new country the second you step off the plane.  The lack of familiarity and experiencing sights, scents, and sounds for the first time is something I can't get enough of.

If I happen to be staying in a foreign city for a few days, one of the first things I love to do is to just get lost for a day.  I'll literally step out of my hotel, hostel, or van down by the river and just start walking.  The motto - "No plan, no map, no idea where you're going.  Just head in the direction that inspires you!"  I noticed that if I fully embrace and become comfortable with the unknown, I can intensely savor and feel what will be continuous, day-long, first-time experiences.  What a rush!

So, for the heck of it, I decided to bring along an HD video camera while "getting lost" to document these experiences.  Here's one of my first: Amsterdam... how appropriate.

btw... if you want to see it in high resolution, copy and paste the link below...



almost 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Photo 40600
niiice! the music is cool too.
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool I have a few friends over there right now...
almost 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I like aimless roaming too. That's the best way to see local life. I'm so into anything HD these days, I even got an HD/DVD player which now is obsolete. I'll check it out later at home in HIgh res... looking forward to it. Btw, met Amsterdam's Aaron Wan here Saturday. Not sure if you met him on this trip?
almost 16 years ago
Photo 33405
Great video! I love traveling to new places too. It's always an adventure to discover amazing views and sites. Where's your next destination to get lost in? Have you been to Thailand yet? Two of their ancient capital cities Sukhothai and Ayuthaya would be pretty darn amazing cities to get lost in. :)
almost 16 years ago
Photo 35692
Roger! You are so funny. Why have you not ousted Rick Steves yet? I mean, he's okay and all, but you would add a whole notha flava. Or, to quote a Mad TV favorite, "You take it to a ho-notha-level." Jeremy (the voice of experience) says that was a humongous doobie you rolled. Drop me a line sometime...
almost 16 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Haha! I told you you should have been making these travel shows ages ago! Nicely edited too. Did you edit this? Kinda reminds me of our Amsterdam trip but there were a few things you left out.... :)
almost 16 years ago


"the older I get, the less I know..."

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