Dan Burns-Findlay
导演, 录音师, 3D/ CAD建模或动画
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calling all guitar players...

I am a keyboard player ... by necessity I might add ... if I could hardwire thoughts from my head directly into the computer I would do so, but as it stands right now my Mac is no mind reader nor am I equipped with USB. So for time being I have to stab at little black & white bits of plastic and should I ever grace the stage I shall be relegated to the back, in the shadows. Face it, keyboard players a close second to laptop musicians in the Top 10 Most Dull Looking Things To Watch On Stage. Over the years I've learnt a massive amount of information about synths and keys and sound modules, drum machines, every type of synthesis imaginable, software replication thereof and many other types of hardware ... but I've been painfully ignorant of guitars for many many years. Purely out of laziness more than anything else ... plus I swear my fingers are too fat.   So – to the point –: being absolutely unaware of guitars I am also fairly out of touch with the world of stomp boxes ... effects pedals ... of which there are millions. And I am on a mission. Specifically I am looking for suggestions regarding distortion, overdrive, decimation, sample rate crushing, bit-rate reduction, glowing valves, screaming tubes, digital overload, torn cones, high-end boutique, super-fast square wave tremolo, FM modulation distortion, or cheap & nasty non-pedal tricks people use to get the most fucked up sound imaginable.  So I can run my keyboards & samplers thru them on stage. I may still look like a fat techno Liberace but at least it'll sound wicked. I am looking for suggestions to buy, offers to borrow or rent pedals for short-term use at the studio [I am fastidious about looking after other people's gear so no need to worry] ... if anyone feels so inclined please hit me up! In return for now, I'll share a little secret ... I stumbled across an incidental effect recently which might be of use. I own quite a few cheap & nasty 19" effects racks, one of which (made by Zoom) generates the most awesome digital clipping simply by overloading the input stage. The rest of the 'normal' effects sound like utter rubbish, but the screaming I got out of that poor thing after molesting it's inputs yesterday was insane. Think R2D2 being raped by something considerably larger. If you have ever overloaded the inputs on a Mackie mixer think that but 10 times worse. It was awesome. To save a bit of time, I'm familiar with Thermionic, Metasonix, Moog and ProCo but that really it about it. Thanks!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 65334
hi Dan, i wish i could be of help, but actually i am a newbie too in the guitar world. i do share with you the "dummy-looking" sensation and that is why in our band i play synth and guitar at the same time, if only to look a little "cooler"... right now i am still toggling with my pedals... i particularly love my proco turbo rat, you can really take a lot out of that little box... i am also torturing a cheap cheap multieffect Zoom G1x inputting synth modules and mics, but i have still not found that perfect scream... seen a lot of people making the best noises out of a whammy or a small stone, but i don't own them myself, so little suggestion there too... you might want to talk to Lona Records or White Noise crews, they use a lot of analog effects to create new computer voices... Cla
16 年多 ago
Photo 33427
Yeah I have a ProCo Rat which is the nuts. Never tried Electro Harmonix or Ibanez stuff, will pop over to Tom Lee to see if they (don't) have it!
16 年多 ago
Photo 33427
Actually - if anyone reading this owns anything from this web-site (http://www.analoguehaven.com/) that they fancy lending to me... :')
16 年多 ago
Djbam f8 djbam
"Face it, keyboard players a close second to laptop musicians in the Top 10 Most Dull Looking Things To Watch On Stage." a friend of mine took that into consideration and invented/built his own MIDI controller: http://kromatron.blogspot.com/ btw, sorry we were not able to meet up while i was in HK! i did stop by Yumla late one night and asked about you, but you'd taken off by the time i got there. nice little place!
16 年多 ago
Photo 37059
Here I come to wreck the day!!!!! check this out... http://www.zvex.com/effects.html I myself would love to own all these pedals but the little amp guy is my fav.... you can see vid's on that site or on youtube. I would totally class this company on the high end $$$ side ... then again these are handmade pedals... The lower budget side would proabably be the line 6 stuff... their effects e.g. amp simulators and distortions are not bad but I recon their multi-effects give you a lot of options. The latest POD lets you combine two amps at the same time... Although nowhere near as good as having real pedals going through 2 different amps (check this bad boys set up! http://guitargeek.com/rigview/510/) Another good brand worth checking out... MXR
16 年多 ago
Line 6 Gear Box is amazing software. You have literally hundreds of amp models as well as effect models if you buy the expansion packs. You can tweak the weirdest noises out of it, which is of course a good thing! It's the easiest way to get all that stuff in one very small place, and you don't have to worry about batteries and extra cables. The new Line 6 X3 floor controller can work with the presets, so you can reproduce all of it live.
大约 16 年 ago


Arrive not Dead.


July 6, 2007