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haunted filming location 達德學校 | 在鬧鬼的達德學校拍戲 | 在闹鬼的达德学校拍戏

Well, besides getting injured.  The location where we are filming now is haunted.  How did I know? 

We are filming in a elmentary school which has been closed down for at least 9 years now.  Normally, nobody would go anywhere near that place, but in the recent years,  they are renting it out for people to play "War games" in the daytime,  as we can see on the floor fill with plastic beads.  But at night, the place is empty with only a security guard watching over the place. 

The first day I got to the location,  I was telling my assistant how this place seems so familiar to me,   few minutes later, I'd remembered.   I have seen this place on a Hong Kong TV show which  they would take a group of  people to get in touch with supernatural experience.  I was like,  Oh.. Shit!!!

After asking around,  the crew would tell me, the place where the most Poltergeist activity is in the restroom located at the end of the hallway on the second floor.  And we are shooting on both first and second floor in the same building, but our set is closer to the front of the building,  so there is still some distance.  Thank God!!

The first night there,  the lighting crew was having problems with the lights.  they would suddenly  turned off by itself,  there were at least 20 lights set up for the whole school yard,  and they would randomly go off.   And one of the wardrobe saw a woman walked along the hallway in the building right across from us,  there shouldn't be anyone there since we are shooting on the opposite building.

But besides that, the shooting is going pretty smoothly,  here are some pics above.







我们拍戏的地方是一所被荒废了至少 9年的小学。平常没有人会到这里来,最近白天有人租用这里玩“枪战游戏”,我们看到地上满是塑料珠。但到了晚上,这里空空荡荡,只有值夜的人在这里看守。


问了问工作人员,他们告诉我,最可怕的地方是 2楼走廊尽头的洗手间。我们要在整个一楼和二楼拍摄,但我们比较靠近房子的前端,离那地方有些距离。感谢上帝!

第一晚的拍摄,灯光组好象有些麻烦,灯突然自己灭了,整个学校操场至少有 20盏灯,但突然熄灭了。然后一个服装师说他看见一个女人沿着走廊在我们中间走过,那不可能,因为我们都在对面的房子拍摄,这没有人。


udate on 5-4

here is some more info I found on the website regarding the school

The school started 1974, and closed down in 1998. The school was build right on top and next to the burial site of the local who died due to the  Masacre by the occupied Japanese army.  That is why there are spirtis still wondering around the area.  Also the most haunted place is the female restroom locate on the 2nd floor.   A female principle had kill herself in the restroom wearing a red dress.  People have seen her spirt from time to time in the restroom

here are some more pics

The Restroom5月4日的更新




洗手間| 5月 4日的更新


学校成立于 1974年, 1998年关闭。学校就建在当时日军侵略屠杀的乱坟岗上,所以附近有很多冤魂。闹得最凶的地方是 2楼的女洗手间,一任校长穿着红衣服在里面自杀。很多人在洗手间看到她的鬼魂。


接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  86 评论s  0 shares
01 04 andrew
I'm glad the production rented 2 of those portable toilets. but was I scared a little..
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, don't get scared, i'm sure there's a rational explanation for everything. why is the bathroom haunted? did some kid get paddled to death by a teacher there 20 years ago or something? :-D
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
speaking of which after my parent teacher meeting session today, the CD player suddenly opened behind me as i was writing minutes down. Room was empty...but guess it may be just a mischievous boy haha
接近 17 年 ago
敎主! Take good care of urself la!! I'll pray for u!!
接近 17 年 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Do you ever ask yourself why and what you are doing there????........
接近 17 年 ago
01 04 andrew
esther, the production did buy us insurance. and they rented 2 of those plastic portable toilets.
接近 17 年 ago
Default avatar
The second set of shots are very creepy. I remember a story Auntie Deenie told us years ago where the crew saw a woman without a face in traditional clothing. I think schools in Hong Kong usually have some haunted history. I wonder if most are used to keep us in line. Wow, the confirmation code is "4444". cue scary movie soundtrack...
接近 17 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007