Spencer Douglass
製片人, 漫画创作者/漫画家, 美食评论家
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Race Wong 黃婉伶 Fast Forward Trailer

Well things are really coming together with Project Race and getting more exciting by the day!

One of the most exciting developments of this last week was the launch of our first official trailer video, Fast Forward, shot by Arne Venema and Jona Chung Dha Lam and edited by Arne. It really helps to bring together a lot of the background footage of the recording sessions and shows both the seriousness and the fun on an amazing creative project. Thanks for putting this together guys!

Check it out:

Featured in the video are of course Race Wong, Kelvin Avon (Afreex), Jennifer Chiang, Candy Lo Hau-Yam 盧巧音, Arne Venema, Chan Wing Him and even myself (hiding in the background).

It took several weeks to capture all this footage, hence you can really see the creative process coming together. Apologies that we are not yet ready to release more of the music, but don't worry it will be seeing more of it here very soon.

Here are some background photos taken over the same weeks as the video was coming together.

Race at the Mic:

Kelvin recording, producing, mixing:

A glimpse of Kelvin's super complicated screen:

Nick on the keys:

Arne looking cool:

Spencer working hard and needs a haircut:

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 34128
Congrats. On the progress, not the need for a haircut.
大约 14 年 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
February 25, 2008