Official Artist
Simon Birch
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Show and Tell

Well, I keep getting emails from AND saying 'the last time you did a blog was....', so feeling obligated to write something. This last month I've basically been locked in my studio painting away day by day as I prepare for the next couple of exhibitions (Madrid in February the Hong Kong in  April) plus, I'm also facing final assessment on my MFA course so it's all work, work work, right now.

So, I'm not going to post new works on the site right now as I got to keep them undercover but I thought I'd show somet...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

back to work in HK

Thought this might be of interest, been back a week and dived straight into work. This is what I do day to day in HK, go to my studio and paint. Here's the progress of one piece I've been working on, finished today. It took about 6 days working between 8-14 hours a day.

The painting 'The Radioactive Kid' is of a friend of mine, Cang Xin, an artist from Beijing. It's done in oils, on canvas and measures just under 200cm x 200cm.

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares

Zoo art fair

ok, after Frieze, which was amazing but felt more like entertainment than art, I headed over to the Zoo Art Fair.

This is held very close to Picadilly Circus at the back of the Royal Academy. I found this show much more interesting, a lot more risk taking, a lot younger too. Here's a few photos.

Also, while I've been working in UK I've been staying with some dear friends who have been away. While they were out of town it was my responsibility to walk the dogs every day in Kensington Park so here's a couple of pics...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Frieze London

Had a very busy week meeting people in the art world. There are a number of art fairs (Frieze, Zoo, ArtLondon, Bridge, etc) on here at the moment. I'll write more after the weekend but here's a few images of a couple of highlights from the main fair, Frieze. There are a hundred galleries showing work in a massive temporary pavillion right in the middle of Regents Park.

the chapman brothers d...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Shanghai Art Fair

One good thing about being in London is you don't have the usual distractions of being able to run down to Yumla or Racks for a few beers so thought I'd look through some of my backlog of photos. These are most recent from the Shanghai Art Fair. This was just a month ago and In was lucky enough to be showing a few paintings there through my gallery (10 Chancery Lane Gallery, central, HK).

Was there for a few days and got to meet some very interesting people, some of whom I'm meeting again while here in UK. Anyway, here&#...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

I win!

Nice surprise for me just before I left for London. I won the Louis Vuitton Asian Art Award! This image is of the winning work, it's an oil painting around 225cmx175cm.

I got to go to a huge dinner party at the Four Seasons to receive the award, was so much fun. And part of the prize was a whole bunch of credit to spend at LV. Sweet!

Will post some photos of the night asap.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

London vs HK

So here I am sitting in London, freezing my ass off. It's cold, dark and wet. I'm over here to meet a few people in the art world and to produce a couple of commissioned paintings. I have an agent here who's loaned me an incredible house to work and live in for the few weeks I'm here.

While I'm here the Frieze art fair is on, a huge art gathering in Regents Park that runs once a year jus...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares


most of alivenotdead is full up with pop and stars and actors so i thought i'd better sign up and add some real culture to the site! ha ha...


i'm one of a few full time artists living and working in Hong Kong so thanks for checking out the page, I appreciate the support. Believe it or not HK's art scene is getting bigger and better, you just need to get out there and discover it for yourself.

feel free to drop me  line with some feedback, not just about me but about the art world too.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


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September 27, 2007