Official Artist
Ryan Hui
Musician , Singer
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Sam Hui vs. 30,000 People !!! | 許冠傑vs.30,000觀眾!!!

It's been hectic this week with the rehearsals for my dad's show while squeezing in studio time to finish the vocals on the new single.  I'm pretty excited about the this show because it's the first time any artist has been able to play at the HK Football Stadium since the 80s.  I think mainly due to the fact that the place is surrounded by tons of apartments now and it's much bigger than the coliseum.  Plus the new sound setup and rundown will work out great so come out for some good tunes.....

| 這周為我父親的演唱會排練非常忙碌,還要擠出時間完成新單曲的配唱。我很期待這次演出,80年代以來首次有藝術家在香港足球場演出,因為這地方現在已經被許多住宅環繞,再者比大劇院大很多。還有全新的音響設備,音效會非常好…

We're gonna "Rock you like a Hurricane" but with leopard print...ha!

| 我們將穿著豹紋"象颶風一樣搖滾你"…哈!

I just got my Grandfather's violin fixed last week.  It has not been played since he passed away and I'm trying to decide if I want to take take lessons but I think it would drive my neighbors crazy...

| 上周我把祖父的小提琴拿去修好了。自他過世以來就沒有彈過,我決定學學,但估計鄰居會瘋掉…

My grandfather and my dad back in the 80's...

| 我祖父和父親在80年代…

This was the first and last time I got to play with both my grandparents on stage.  This was in 1990 and we did the old Chinese opera song  "帝女花."

| 我第一次也是最後一次跟祖父母在臺上演出。那是1990年,我們表演了傳統劇目"帝女花".

Good times.....

| 好時光……

Speaking of the past, I helped open a exhibition at the Shatin museum last month about the history of HK music which was pretty cool. 

| 談到舊時光,上個月我還參加了沙田博物館舉辦的香港音樂歷史展覽,非常酷。

The stuff is on display for a few months and includes a bunch of costumes, records, footage, and musical instruments used by famous HK artists.  I gave them one of my dad's guitars to display but they forgot to take my green pick out....oops...

| 展覽歷時幾個月,展出許多香港藝術家的演出服、唱片、影象及樂器。我送了爸爸的一把吉他參展,但他們忘了拿掉我的綠色標簽…哦…

RTHK had a pretty fun band competition that had some good local talent.  My favorites were Positions and The Ember

| 香港電臺舉辦了一個有趣的樂隊比賽,本地很多好樂隊都參賽了。我最喜歡的是PositionsThe Ember

This week we also got to go to the premier of the Will Smith movie "I AM LEGEND" and I think this was the first time I've seen the star of the movie personally come.  It was dope watching Mr. Smith get up there and get the crowd excited. 

| 我們這周還參加了威爾•史密斯的電影《我是傳奇》首映會,這是我第一次看到電影巨星親自到場宣傳影片。史密斯的到來讓在場觀眾沸騰,超級棒。

He also went off on the drums....

| 他還能打鼓…

Green Day has a new side project called FOXBORO HOT TUBS!!!!  You can download their 6 song EP here for FREE from their web site http://www.foxborohottubs.com. Hell yeah!

| Green Day出了"FOXBORO HOT TUBS"新專輯!!!!現在可以到他們的網站http://www.foxborohottubs.com免費下載6首新歌,太好了!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares
Thanks for sharing Ryan... that was just so awesome!
about 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
do you get a fancy costume too? come on, don't be afraid to admit you want one.
about 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i saw you on TV at the Will Smith thing (while i was riding the train back from Lowu). how is that exhibition at the museum? i wanted to check it out...
about 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
awesome old school pics! thanks for scanning them!
about 17 years ago
Photo 33405
That's awesome! Looks like musical talent runs deep in your family. I was at the I Am Legend premiere too. It was really cool seeing Will Smith here in person. Did you like the movie? It had some freaky scenes and I jumped out of my seat at least once or twice. haha
about 17 years ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
My god.. its must be awesome to be able to play with ya dad...music roots /talent runs deep in your fam.. that is amazing in itself that you are doing.....
about 17 years ago


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