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Ryan Hui
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Dear Diary !!! | 親愛的日記!!!

I was told the other day that there was a school text book that mentioned me but I couldn't believe it until I saw it.  In this book, a chapter talks about 2 girls going to a show and ended up liking my performance.  This was the coolest thing I've seen in a while..so funny.  There is even a section on my family members and questions they have to answer at the end of the chapter.    Wow! 

| 昨天有人告訴我,有學校的課本提到我,直到親眼見到我才相信。書中有一章是兩個女生談論一場演出,最後提到喜歡我的表演。這真是我遇到最酷的事…非常有趣。裏面甚至還有我家庭成員的介紹,章節最後必須回答一些相關問題。哇! | 昨天有人告诉我,有学校的课本提到我,直到亲眼见到我才相信。书中有一章是两个女生谈论一场演出,最后提到喜欢我的表演。这真是我遇到最酷的事…非常有趣。里面甚至还有我家庭成员的介绍,章节最后必须回答一些相关问题。哇! I can't believe I'm in a text book!

| 我被寫進課本,難以置信! | 我被写进课本,难以置信! The research they did on my family was done well and it was cool that they mentioned my grandparents.

| 他們對我家族的調查很詳盡,還提到了我的祖父母。 | 他们对我家族的调查很详尽,还提到了我的祖父母。 The quiz rocks!

| 課後測驗很棒! | 课后测验很棒! I can use this family tree myself!

|這個族譜我可以拿來自己用! |这个族谱我可以拿来自己用! On the negative side this week, the floor under us is under construction and they've been drilling non-stop the past couple of days.  It's so loud that you can hardly talk on the phone and the vibrations have been knocking my stuff over!!  AAAAhhhhh!!!!

| 本周不好的事情是,我家樓下好幾天來不停的施工。噪音太大,講電話都聽不清了,強烈的震動把我家東西全都震了起來!!啊!!! | 本周不好的事情是,我家楼下好几天来不停的施工。噪音太大,讲电话都听不清了,强烈的震动把我家东西全都震了起来!!啊!!! Poor Kingsley has been freaking out  from the noise! 

| 可憐的Kingsley被噪音嚇壞了!| 可怜的Kingsley被噪音吓坏了!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow thats pretty awesome, i wonder how they decided to use you? was one of the answers to the quiz 'D) http://www.alivenotdead.com/?ryanhui/ '
over 17 years ago
Photo 23632
wow! that is pretty cool!!
over 17 years ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
it's a bit freaky with the textbook.. cool at the same time... you have reached a diferent level.. haha...!!!
about 17 years ago


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