Official Artist
Race Wong
Actor , Singer
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Have you ever felt like this before??

I've been feeling rather out of luck in life recently

I've been questioning myself

What is wrong ??

Have I not tried hard enough??

Has the fire in me burn out???

Later I realised at times the harder you wanna to make things happen, it just didn't happen.

AS the saying goes "High expectations induce greater disappointment "

On my bday a bewitching moment had happen !

I felt all the bad omen had suddenly vanished !!

The surge of happiness was over the top !!

I felt reborn !

I felt the fire in me had ignite once again and its much prominent, much intense now !!!

Have you ever felt like this before??

Have you ??

I DID !!

I wanna thank you GOD for giving me this strength and may GOD continue to guide ME....

Amen !!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
Happy Birthday Race! Very happy to hear that you have turns the negatives into positives. Often we get down on ourselves only to find that change is only a matter of a change in perspectives! I am sure you had a wonderful birthday celebration! You look radiant in your photos!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
happy birthday. don't let doubt control your destiny! keep the positive vibe going!
almost 17 years ago
Happy birthday! Looks like you had a good time :) I was feelin' down and losing faith in the general goodness of humanity as well, but after a long talk with my mom (whom I know would love me unconditionally) and praying really hard to God and letting Him lift the weight of fear and insecurity from my shoulders, I immediately felt better and ended up having a great day! By the way, your dog is cute and looks like he/she is smiling in the picture! God bless!
almost 17 years ago


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September 11, 2007