Official Artist
Philip Ng
Action Director , Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Invisible Again… | 再次《男兒本色》...

It’s been a while since Invisible Target first premiered inHong Kongbut my experiences with the film were revisited as I was scheduled to be interviewed by Bey Logan for the "special features" section of the United States DVD release of the film.  To reacquaint myself with particular scenes from the movie, I enlisted the help of my friends (and fellow actors from the film), Nic Tse and Wu Jing.| 《男兒本色》在香港上映已經有段時間了,但我因為要拍攝美版DVD”花絮”而接受Bey Logan的采訪,需要重溫這部片子。為了讓我回憶起幾幕特別場景,朋友們(也是這部電影的合拍者)來幫助我,謝霆鋒和吳京。| 「Invisible Target(男児本色)」が香港で公開されてからしばらくたつけど、その映画のアメリカ版のDVDの発売に向けての‘特集’で、僕がベイ・ローガンからインタビューを受ける予定になったので、その映画での体験が再び思い出された。映画の中の特定の場面に慣れるため友人達(その映画の俳優仲間)ニコ・ツェーそしてウー・ジンの協力を得た。


A still from the film… | 劇照之一… | その映画のスチール・・・


Wu Jing re-enacts one of our scenes together from the film (we had several together, not quite sure why he chose to re-enact this one)… | 吳京重現了電影中的一幕(我們合作過好幾個片段,不知道他為什麽選這個)…

| ウー・ジンは映画の中の我々の一緒のシーンを再演(我々は一緒にいろんなシーンに出たのに、なんでまたこの場面なんだろ)・・・


Nic then chased me around for hours re-enacting our first scene together... | 霆鋒追擊我好幾個小時,重現我們合作的第一個片段…


All the abuse I took from my friends paid off as I was more than ready for my interview with Bey for the DVD (which was actually quite enjoyable)…

 For those of you stateside who wanna see me get beat-down and abused in a bigger budget sorta way, make sure to pick up a copy of this DVD when it gets released in your neighborhood!

| 朋友們如此折磨我總算有回報,Bey的DVD訪問我準備得太好了(采訪過程非常愉快)…


 | DVDについてのベイからのインタビューを受ける準備のために友人達が報いてくれた


僕が制裁や虐待を受けるのを見たい米国内の方々はちょっと予算増額ですが それが出たらご近所の方にもDVD のコピーをお届けするのをお忘れなく!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  86 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wu jing! we need to get him indoctrinated!
over 16 years ago
Photo 49112
i hope they will respect the original HK's cover dvd... because sometime HK's movie released in US have a bad cover -_- very bad... and i hope they dont change the music or cut some scenes too :/ anyway i keep my Hk's DVD ^_^
over 16 years ago
cool, still havn't checked this movie out, so i'll have to soon. I still owe Bey 1 chair(its a long story)
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
Very cool... You should have these "reenactment" photos included in the DVD too... ;)
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
dude youre a funny guy :) heard about your level of acting much props to ya sounds like youre an american, tell me if i'm wrong?
over 16 years ago
Photo 41044
ahah woot woot.. you can fly :D!
over 16 years ago
Photo 122938
about 16 years ago


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Member Since
June 5, 2007
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