Phat Chan
剪接师, 音乐家, 说唱歌手
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Me and my VANS. |我和我的VANS。|我和我的VANS。

I was invited by Vans and alivenotdead.com to share a 'classic Vans tale'.

After looking through the old photos on my computer, its impossible to write just one story about all the Vans in my collection! After some serious consideration I decided to at least narrow it down to a few of the most memorable times wearing my Vans -Bangkok, Thailand 2009. Doing the interview work for “Tat Addicts 2”. The overlapping effect makes this photo very special. The Hawaii tattoo master 2end and his wife Liz. (I know you guys must be thinking: 2end is a lucky man!) You guys must know how I bad I felt when I was doing the interview! The most hateful thing is Liz herself required the photographer to take a photo like this, my god! An Intentional unintentional photo of myself .24Herb was glad to have invited the Hong Kong Rock and Roll legend Paul Wong to be the guest at his concert in 2009. This photo made me look taller than Yao Ming…LOL![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208225.thumb.jpg)We squat even we were wearing suits in the studio, trying to add some street style in the photo shoot. This is how we do it! This is my favourite slip on. I love it because it is so classic and easy to match. It looks great no matter if I'm in black chinos or in a suit. My demonstration of wearing the black and white checker slip-on with a suit, looking nice huh? This photo is taken on my bro Brandon’s wedding. One of the random shots of me and my girlfriend. I couldn’t think of a reason not to post this photo. I was on a “date” with Lee Hawk and planned to cycle from Sha Tin to Luk Gang. The whole duration is about 3 hours but we decided to cycle to Tai Wai for sweet soup after cycling for only 10 minutes. This photo is taken on the Double Bridge before we actually set off.

Every pair tells their own tale. What's yours? Go to vans.com/classictales to share yours! | 接到Vans跟alivenotdead.com的邀請想我寫一篇關於Vans的網誌內容大慨是Vans 跟他主人的故事。 在電腦前翻看一張張的舊照發現只寫一個故事未避太看扁我的Van s藏量吧! 思前想後我決定以數張比較有趣的相片加輔助說明去完成今次的提案 。2009年到泰國曼谷為《紋上癮2》 進行採訪工作。這張用重疊效果拍出來很特別。夏威夷藉紋身師2end跟他的太太Liz。( 我知道你們在一定想:2end真的很幸福啊!)我採訪時有多難受你們應該懂吧! 最可惡是Liz自己要求攝影師這樣拍的,天啊![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208224.thumb.jpg) 刻意不經意扮隨意地用力拍下的一張自拍照09年廿四味有幸獲香港搖滾教父Paul Wong的邀請担任演唱會表現嘉賓。這張把我拍得比姚明還要高. ..呵![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208225.thumb.jpg)穿西裝在攝影棚拍造型照也要來一點街頭點綴用蹲的。This is how we do![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208227.thumb.jpg)這雙是我最喜歡的slip on,愛它夠Classic易配襯! 穿黑色Chino或西裝同樣出色。親身示範黑白Checker slip on襯西裝,不錯吧!圖為好兄弟Brandon大婚之喜。一張自己跟女友都很喜歡的隨意拍。我想不出不放這張的理由。跟Lee Hawk情侶Old Shool由沙田出發打算踩車入鹿頸, 全程快爆約三個小時但開始了不到十分鐘我們便決定踩去大圍食糖水 算數!這是出發前在孖橋拍的。 每對Vans都有著自己的故事,你那對又有什麼故事呢?

vans.com/classictales和大家分享一下吧 ! | 接到Vans跟alivenotdead.com的邀请想我写一篇关于Vans的网志内容大慨是Vans 跟他主人的故事。 在电脑前翻看一张张的旧照发现只写一个故事未避太看扁我的Van s藏量吧! 思前想后我决定以数张比较有趣的相片加辅助说明去完成今次的提桉 。2009年到泰国曼谷为《纹上瘾2》 进行採访工作。这张用重叠效果拍出来很特别。夏威夷藉纹身师2end跟他的太太Liz。( 我知道你们在一定想:2end真的很幸福啊!)我採访时有多难受你们应该懂吧! 最可恶是Liz自己要求摄影师这样拍的,天啊![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208224.thumb.jpg) 刻意不经意扮随意地用力拍下的一张自拍照09年廿四味有幸获香港摇滚教父Paul Wong的邀请担任演唱会表现嘉宾。这张把我拍得比姚明还要高. .. 呵![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208225.thumb.jpg)穿西装在摄影棚拍造型照也要来一点街头点缀用蹲的。This is how we do![](/attachments/2011/06/27/12/34654_201106271208227.thumb.jpg)这双是我最喜欢的slip on,爱它够Classic易配衬! 穿黑色Chino或西装同样出色。亲身示范黑白Checker slip on衬西装,不错吧!图为好兄弟Brandon大婚之喜。一张自己跟女友都很喜欢的随意拍。我想不出不放这张的理由。跟Lee Hawk情侣Old Shool由沙田出发打算踩车入鹿颈, 全程快爆约三个小时但开始了不到十分钟我们便决定踩去大围食糖水 算数!这是出发前在孖桥拍的。 每对Vans都有着自己的故事,你那对又有什麽故事呢?


大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
this is such a badass pic!
大约 13 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, i ride this way all the time.
大约 13 年 ago
Photo 376392
Ya bro these ones are nice
接近 13 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wkoi38 - of course! please do! ;-)
接近 13 年 ago




Hong Kong
July 24, 2007