Official Artist
Pat Lee
Director , Painter
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One Republic, Esprit, MTV Party!

AnD Folks,

Ok here goes a load of pictures cause I haven't done one of these long picture blogs for a long time. So - I made it my mission to take some good pictures. Check it out:


                 Off to see One Republic. Exciting. ;)


                      Are we there yet?? Cruzing on the highway.


Walking towards the main hallway - for some reason this picture looks like a painting.  Picture is of Jian and Chris. Check out below - finally in the stadium!

Oh my Go...

What the he....


AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! What is that blinding ligh... AHHH!!!


Next slate of pictures is from Esprit/MTV launch party. It was fun hanging out with friends. Check it out.

Jin threw my name in his RAP - pretty tight. ;)

Hmm... What am I going to draw. Should be fun!

Terrence with the introduction :)

Ok here we GO! Here is me and Jin bottom right. The piece took about 20 minutes or so. Unfortunately I didn't have any black paint - but marker was god enough. Some more pictures of friends below - peaCe.

This picture is pretty cool - reminds me some 1970 lit photo.

Here is us chilling behind the stage.

Here are the wonderful hosts!

After that party I bounced over to Andrew's birthday get together @ RackS. Here are some pictures of friends!

OOOoooh - Yo Phil -- what movie dude? Smile YO!

Happy Birthday ANDREW!!

Nice picture you two! This picture came out dark hmph!

This picture is kinda funny - we got a smiley face T-shirt matching a Batman Symbol in the rear. After we took this pic, we were like... Uhm.. Wierd?

Ahh time to drink!

OOOOHHHH!! Sour!!! Aiya aiya!!

Wel that's a WRAP!! Been super busy this week. Look out for some more pictures coming shortly. PeAce!!!

PaT - LEe

over 16 years ago 0 likes  32 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
chris really really wanted to hear 'Aplogize'.. :-P
over 16 years ago
Photo 44938
wicked stuff at edc-well done..xdk
over 16 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Looks like crazy fun!! Andrew looks a bit much in the last pic. hhahaha.
over 16 years ago
Photo 38281
always enjoy looking at your pictures pat. seem to get a good wrap of everything and every one =]
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
over 16 years ago
Tomlo 5a thomaslo
hey pat, just dropping by to let people know, I am pretty sure the movie that phil is holding in the picture with you is a film called BUCK WILD... I've watched it a couple times, it was pretty good...I'd ask around for it, if I was you... jus sayin'...
over 16 years ago
HAHA ...
over 16 years ago
AWSOME MAN ...i wish i could be there !!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 87127
I cant stop giggling!
over 16 years ago
Photo 87127
I cant stop giggling!
over 16 years ago


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