演员, DJ, 歌手
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European tour|歐洲之遊|欧洲之游

Back from the European tour last month, I've been to the UK, Amsterdam, Germany, Rome, Venice and Paris, it was amazing!! The weather wasn't good but my gigs were great, I had a lot of fun, met some new good friends and ate a lot!! Hahaha....Playing in Germany- Kassel for Halloween. Thanks Jan again for bringing me there =)At the middle is DJ FU, he is a UK Hong Kong mix, a really good DnB Dubstep DJ. He took care of me when I was in Oxford, so far the best party I went was in there. DJ Angus Cowen is DJ Fu's friend, he plays heavy bass electro house, DnB and dubstep. I really want to have him in Hong Kong. Organizers should consider to book him!!!! Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.This is classic.It was my first time in Amsterdam, it gave me a really special feelings. This place made me the happiest in this trip, hehe...I even made a mix for Time Out Hong Kong after I came back, I got inspired by Amsterdam, so the mix is called 'One Night In Amsterdam' and it will be released on Dec 8.XOYO in London.As a Christian, how can I miss Vatican City?Kazey!! We haven't seen for like 2 years!! Was so good to see him again =) Kazey introduced me a new friend DJ Karve from France also, they have a new label THE TOWN, feel free to check out and download there stuff, highly recommend. Evol Hoist's designer Maddi Machete came to visit me and gave me the MISS YELLOW custom made Jewelleries. Ladies!! Should check out their stuff!!! www.evolhoist.comOh I miss Europe, I can't wait to go back again, hopefully next year, I'd like to go in the Summer, cuz the clothes were heavy, my luggage was overload!!!!!!! I couldn't buy much stuff.... I just bought some olives and olive oil that's all, WTF??? But thanks for everyone who came to my parties, also friends took good care of me   Will do the same when u come to Hong Kong.Ciao xps - please try out the Nokiaalivenotdead.com widget here on my page | 上個月去了歐洲巡演﹐現在回來啦。我去了英國﹐阿姆斯特丹﹐德國﹐羅馬﹐威尼斯和巴黎﹐真喺好美妙!! 雖然天氣唔喺咁好﹐但喺我的演出很棒﹐過得很愉快﹐認識了新朋友﹐還有食咗好多野!!

哈哈哈....為萬聖節在德國卡塞爾演出。再次要多謝阿Jan帶我到這裏 =)中間那位是DJ FU﹐他是英國香港混血兒﹐也是一位很棒的DnB Dubstep DJ。我在牛津的時候﹐他好照顧我。到目前為止,我去過最好的派對就是這裡。DJ Angus Cowen是DJ Fu的朋友﹐他演出的音樂包括加重低音電子浩室﹐鼓打貝斯﹐DnB和dubstep。我真喺好想他來香港演出。主辦單位應該考慮訂佢!!!![](/attachments/2010/12/06/01/23282_201012060158534.thumb.jpg)阿姆斯特丹的梵谷博物館.這是經典. 這是我第一次嚟阿姆斯特丹﹐這裡給我很特別的感覺。整個旅行令我最開心的地方就是這裡﹐嘻嘻...

返嚟之後﹐我為Time Out Hong Kong製作了一個混音專輯﹐由於阿姆斯特丹啟示了我﹐所以這個混音專輯叫'One Night in Amsterdam' (在阿姆斯特丹一夜)﹐並且將於12月8日發行。 在倫敦的XOYO身為基督教徒﹐我點可以錯過梵蒂岡城呢?Kazey!! 差唔多有兩年冇見了!! 可以再見到佢真喺好啦 =)Kazey介紹了一位新朋友比我識﹐他是來自法國的DJ Karve。還有﹐他們有個新牌名叫THE TOWN﹐有時間去看看和下載他們啲野﹐強烈推薦.Evol Hoist的設計師Maddi Machete來探我﹐還送了這個專門為我設計的MISS YELLOW飾物。所有女士們!! 應該去看看他們啲野!!! www.evolhoist.com

噢﹐我真喺好掛念歐洲﹐真喺好想返去﹐希望下年可以啦。我想夏天的時候去﹐因為今次帶的衣服好重﹐我的行李都過曬重!!!!!!! 我買唔到好多野.... 我只買了點橄欖和橄欖油﹐喺咁多啦﹐有冇攪錯???


再見 x

ps - 請試試我網頁的諾基亞 x alivenotdead.com部件| 上个月去了欧洲巡演﹐现在回来啦。我去了英国﹐阿姆斯特丹﹐德国﹐罗马﹐威尼斯和巴黎﹐真喺好美妙!! 虽然天气唔喺咁好﹐但喺我的演出很棒﹐过得很愉快﹐认识了新朋友﹐还有食咗好多野!!

哈哈哈....为万圣节在德国卡塞尔演出。再次要多谢阿Jan带我到这里 =)中间那位是DJ FU﹐他是英国香港溷血儿﹐也是一位很棒的DnB Dubstep DJ。我在牛津的时候﹐他好照顾我。到目前为止,我去过最好的派对就是这裡。DJ Angus Cowen是DJ Fu的朋友﹐他演出的音乐包括加重低音电子浩室﹐鼓打贝斯﹐DnB和dubstep。我真喺好想他来香港演出。主办单位应该考虑订佢!!!![](/attachments/2010/12/06/01/23282_201012060158534.thumb.jpg)阿姆斯特丹的梵谷博物馆.这是经典.这是我第一次嚟阿姆斯特丹﹐这裡给我很特别的感觉。整个旅行令我最开心的地方就是这裡﹐嘻嘻...

返嚟之后﹐我为Time Out Hong Kong製作了一个溷音专辑﹐由于阿姆斯特丹启示了我﹐所以这个溷音专辑叫'One Night in Amsterdam' (在阿姆斯特丹一夜)﹐并且将于12月8日发行。 在伦敦的XOYO身为基督教徒﹐我点可以错过梵蒂冈城呢?Kazey!! 差唔多有两年冇见了!! 可以再见到佢真喺好啦 =)Kazey介绍了一位新朋友比我识﹐他是来自法国的DJ Karve。还有﹐他们有个新牌名叫THE TOWN﹐有时间去看看和下载他们啲野﹐强烈推荐.Evol Hoist的设计师Maddi Machete来探我﹐还送了这个专门为我设计的MISS YELLOW饰物。所有女士们!! 应该去看看他们啲野!!! www.evolhoist.com

噢﹐我真喺好挂念欧洲﹐真喺好想返去﹐希望下年可以啦。我想夏天的时候去﹐因为今次带的衣服好重﹐我的行李都过晒重!!!!!!! 我买唔到好多野.... 我只买了点橄榄和橄榄油﹐喺咁多啦﹐有冇搅错???


再见 x

ps - 请试试我网页的诺基亚 x alivenotdead.com部件!

13 年多 前 0 赞s  19 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
venetia! wow, you really went all over! an amazing trip!
13 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow that's frickin' awesome! cool!
13 年多 ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
Nice Shoot~~ I love the color & Mood
13 年多 ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
So Nice!!!
13 年多 ago
Photo 61114
Awesome! This looks like a shot out of "VOGUE" in the 1970s =)
13 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
GIRRRRL.. you got around all the spots!! NICe time.. glad you got to cruise around!
13 年多 ago


WWW.MISS-YELLOW.COM Bookings: bookings@miss-yellow.com


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007