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Christian The Lion

"Love Knows No Limits"

Trust...Love... Friendship...Affection...

I can watch this over and over again and teared up every time after I watched it.

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
haha the music is a bit over the top! also i think that was a bit risky... if the lion didn't recognize them, they'd be... lion food. :-P
about 16 years ago
i don't think christian could have been the leader of his own pride...from his size, he isn't quite fully grown yet nor grown a full head of mane as such he would have been hard pressed to challenge the dominant male of an existing pride in order to takeover. and no pride would 'adopt' a lone male youngster, cos the alpha male would nvr tolerate it. as for christian's wife who doesn't know the humans at all, it's even less believeable that she'd be so docile. there's no doubt the 2 men and christian share a close bond....but i'm pretty sure that part of the story is made-up. It's good story telling though :)
about 16 years ago
Thanks for sharing this amzing clip sweetie. I just learned that my distant relative met with an accident and there's a damage to his brain and he can't even manage a normal conversation now. It scares me to think that we just don't know what's gonna happen next and.....well....i guess, just live and love !
about 16 years ago
Mindeeong 34 mindeeong
If the story is made up, the person making it must have a kind soul then. ;)
about 16 years ago


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