Official Artist
Lydia Kuan
Actor , Composer , Singer
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Musings, my dears,musings.

I like musicals alot. Right now,I'm thinking back on this song I came to like called "The Stars and the moon, I'm also thinking of that movie "Honeymoon in Vegas".

Im very strange.While other people listen to loads of music to write music,I hate that. In fact I turn everything off, and then I write. In fact I don't sit down and start writing anything as people do when they seek their inspirational moments. My teacher wanted me to stick to a routine frankly,and she said to put aside the writing hour,but I secretly spaced out each time writing hour came and I only wrote when I 1. run/jog/gym/cut fruits/vacumn my darn house/make my bed/comb my crazy tangled hair cos my hair is thin and in fine strands,without careful management, it breaks. 2. when i'm having chronic insomnia,happen to "feel" something because I saw something earlier on that day that made me react to it. 3. when im in love/confused/angry/OR VERY HUNGRY.

Trust me. When I'm very hungry,I have so much to write. Seriously. Don't look at me like that. Look I know enough about me just as u much do. If not, I wouldn't be a freakshow, yo.

Recently heard a mandarin pop song playing frequently on the tube (tv), It really got on my nerves. Complete rip off. I felt violent sensations throbbing every part of me. I have serious mental problems. It was a rip off of David Tao's earlier piece, Melody. In fact the first 3 notes into the chorus were so cheapened because even the progression (chord) was so super predictably switched to not be an entire "Melody" rip off. Whatever.

Yes I know,even Dave the man himself admits to occasional rip offs to some English songs now and then. But this particular song was just too obvious!

There are so many darn dedicated artists out there. I dig Jason Robert Brown, I like The Last 5 Years and Songs for a New World quite a bit and I like his penchant for writing and his humour. I met the guy through a mutual friend and he was just as quirky as he described himself to be.

Oh another thing. I went out with this dude for 4 years previously who was as opposite from me as the sun and the moon. He liked boy bands while I liked/like rock and alternative music. He loved crooning the sentimental ballards he hogged and he was this expert on every sentimental ballard in the book. Which made him a worthwhile singing competition contestant. Yes he won some of those.Note,more than 1. Great isn't it?I was remarkably different. Gimme my piano,any instrument for that matter. I like my yamaha silent guitar too. And me? Well,I'm your absolute opposite. I absolutely hate sounding like other singers no matter how amazing they are. I love them for who they were,but dang,when I sing,I would like to be my own person because erm, it's kind of sick to be told u're some chick's shadow no matter how hot.

TRUST ME. In the past alot of people think they were praising me when they say " U remind me of this actress bla bla bla" .I've always been weird in my temperament so I guess they must have wondered why I barked back in this fearsome menace " NO I DON"T!" I....retorted in venomous glee that I "Just have a common face,because hell I am the UN aight?"

Of course I still practised singing and music by singing other singer's stuff. But never wanting to copy their tonality/style/little quirks I became adamant that after I knew the progression of the songs,I just sung it off on my own without the repeat button going on and on. Judge me all u want,but it's their right to have their quirks and I seriously find i super crazy when people imitate "quirks" of other singers or actors. Are U lost? Quirks are personal little movements,gestures,habits of a certain person. Like maybe when I smile,I bite my lip a little to show playfulness. That may be my quirk or many people's quirks,u cannot trademark it but when U go out of your way to make that exact little "smirk", holly molly, Stop in the name of love. At least, that's what I say to myself.

I met a girl once. She wanted to borrow my clothes. I loaned her. She wanted to borrow my makeup, I loaned her too. She wanted to borrow my bags, I loaned her too. She wanted to borrow my shoes. I TRIED to loan her,but I have smaller feet than other girls my height. So,it's adequate and proper to say the term "be in one's shoes to know". She didn't stop there, she tried to borrow my mum,hers was out of town. Mum loaned mum. She said my bro was cute,I asked my bro if he wanted to hang out with her. Oh I see your dancing curiosity, did she try to loan whoever I was dating? Hell Yeah. Did I loan her, hell yeah. Only thing was the loaned item protested and asked if he could perhaps decide if he wanted to be on loan. In the end,the item decided to expire and retreated into the highlighted "REFERENCE only" section u always see chucked in this mysterious part of the library. There they talk about American terrorism and how it was supposedly the Americans who started training camps for terrorism. There,they talk about the anti patriotism and about propaganda and fake diplomatic missions.

The thing about me is,I'm kindda like a loonie. U can try to get everything from me on loan,u know u can always always TRY. The question is when u have finished trying it all,could I have them back. Cos honey, they were mine. And u,u will always be the borrower.

PS: Well my dears a few more hundred visitors to go before we reach no. 20 000th. I promise to do something great for that person yes? Trust me, if it's one of u coolios, it's undoubtedly worth the effort because overtime here,we've got something going on after all these exchange. Hell,I even feel married to some of u people,yo. I mean,I read and find out more about some of u guys more than some people I've known for years. And hell yeah, I think even I stun myself by my open frankness about stuff right here on this blog. So there people who love expressing themselves,tend to expose their truths right in your face before long. Just see if u wait out long enough to experience it.

signing off

big kiss

PS. I already signed off but i wanted to come back and talk about something. My friend from 2 blogs ago who was really upset got back together with her jerkass bf. Her bf's reasons for allegedly "cheating" on her was that she did not "see with her own eyes" and hence there's always a chance he was on death row for something he didn't do. Besides he complained that being an artiste he was the victim of papparazi nonsense. I think besides that he also tried to kiss and makeup with a truckload of flowers.Now. Im thinking if I really need to see it with my own eyes if the very guy I was dating was  frolicking with some pansy hussy from shoal (another word for hell, old english darlings).

I mean.

Let's get classy.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 55108
as i have said before ....... L u are the lovliest UNIQUE weirdo out there!
almost 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Ooh, the story of the borrower would make a great song! Just think of the progression from borrowing your stuff, to borrowing your man and then your mom. I love it.
almost 16 years ago


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