Official Artist
Jun Kung
Music Producer , Musician
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I do not even know where to begin. All I can say is that I am living the life I have once dreamed of since I was in primary school. To just simply play drums for a living... That's it.

Everything else that came with it was just way too overwhelming and over the top.

Seriously, For the people who know me, cmon now...I ain't no Rock star, let alone acting or even winning the most prestigious award a person in my profession could ever win. The award was just so very unexpected. I totally didn't see that coming.... But I embrassed it coz theres something called paying DUES.

I guess the funny part is that, People looked at me very differently after I won the award, and I kinda sorta felt that They thought I would be a different guy. And I did become a different person...

I became me, Just the dude who loves to joke around, I even joke around more than I should, On stage, Backstage< offstage,Sidestage, Pranking people, with love....but mostly just BE. I saw that I had the power to break any ice by laughing at myself, cracking the stoopidest jokes ever....... Hopefully in next years DVD release yall can see that side of me..... As for now......

Fist bumps to all the Grey Collar workers...I like to call myself that....A still struggling Musician...... I still have to bust my ass and work as hard as an amateur has to....I Just don't want this trip to stop.....It will eventually....so am just enjoy this moment.....peace...jk..........

Don't stop Believing- JOURNEY

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Photo 23522
what's your next dream?
almost 13 years ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
Have a rehearsal space where I can at least practice and hang out...late night jam sessions....
almost 13 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
glad to see what you think besides the performance side....
almost 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i still look at you the same man, a source of information about Blackberry phones! ha ha! just kidding. You really are the right balance --- professional attitude but still enjoying your work to the fullest. You've earned your spot man!
almost 13 years ago
Photo 69762
dude, am glad to read this. Been wondering how you doing... You are who you are... who you've always been.. peace. Cx To many more dreams that yet to come ture...
almost 13 years ago
Photo 505164
Right on!!
almost 13 years ago


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September 4, 2007