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Josie Ho
Actor , Singer
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Thanks for Rock Record!! / 多謝滾石唱片!!

Thanks for everyone's reply!! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

Thank you for all your support!

Those of you inprefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /China, I'll be back in November.  5thBeijing, 17th Beijing, 18thShanghai.  (10thBeijing, live gig) to be confirmed.


I was really happy last time when I went to Shenzhen to attend the KungFu Award.  I've presented an award to Tony Jaa, I'm still really proud...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Hey everyone! I am back!! / 嘿!! 各位, 我回來了!!

Hey everyone!

I am back!!  I'm really impressed, so many of you wrote me while I was gone.  I was lazy inprefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Hawaii, did not look at my computer, sorry!   I am sure everyone on this trip had loads of fun!  We had lots of meat and BBQ, maybe because there were many guys on this trip that's why so much meat, so crazy!!

Tonite is Eason’s concerts first nite, so good I am back early, I can cheer him on too!  Take care,  Write ...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

What a crazy day!! / 瘋狂的一天!!

Yeah!  Just finished a crazy day of recording and photo shooting for Zing, the make up stylist, it was crazy ass long, took us 6 hours to do make up, we started after my recording at 9pm last night, then we were doing hair and make up till 3am, we shot until 5am.  6pm went home and packed, couldn't sleep from my bad back, just lied down and rest till 12noon.  Then off to the airport, I arrived at Hawaii, we are all here to attend the Hawaiian film festival for alive's movie, the four heavenly kings.  My first time here, v...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

I learned my lesson!! / 我上了一課!!!

Sometimes it's really dreadful to have a flu, I still got it!  And it has gone up my right ear, I can tell you what it feels like, it's like covering one of your ear with one hand, you can hear yourself

really well but can't judge your volume when you talk.  So I won't be recording again  tomorrow. Still got one photo shoot and some meetings to go to. Just a little frustrated with myself, can't meet the recording schedule! Well, I guess I accepted too many other jobs when I should just focus on re...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Wow!! 5000ppl alread? | 哇!!!! 已經有5000人?


I am really impress with this scene!  5000 ppl already?  I am so excited to have so many supporters, I wish I can quickly perform in mainland soon, last time at Maolive was my first time inBeijing, it was a very good experience!  U am still recording my songs, I have a really bad flu, we have to stop recording this week, hopefully we can start again next week.  My schedule is a bit tight this week, I am actually heading to zhuhai to attend a kung fu award event right now, I am presenting an award to Tony...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

I am still excited about meeting the Yeah Yeah Yeahs! | 我依然為跟Yeah Yeah Yeahs會面而興奮!!

I am still excited about meeting the Yeah Yeah Yeahs! They are super cool people, I told them I sang their songs at Mao club. Karen O asked me which song I sang, I told them it was rich, then she jumped and laughed so hard with the band. Then I saw them perform on stage, it felt like the stage is on fire! Guess what, I dumped into YYY again at the airport, I went up and talked to them, I told them they rocked the place last night, but the sound could be better, then some guy ...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Wow… I’ve had so much fun in Beijing!!! | 哇…我在北京非常開心!!!

Wow… I’ve had so much fun inBeijing, I’m so stoked with the rock scene there. I can only pray to have this scene inHong Kong.

Special thanks to Lisa (inBeijing) and all brothers and Sisters who helped out with handing out the “Flyers”. Thank you for your support!!! I’m so happy to have met all of you, I really enjoyed hangin’ with you at MaoLive. Hope to see all of you again shortly!

I’m so glad Ah Pak and Electric Orange invited me this time, without them, I ...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares

Hard decision, block my mind!!

Hey hey,

2 nd October, 07 MaoLive見!!! See ya there!

Check out this issue’s “Giant Robot”, It’s very cool magazine which I like. It’s got many many cool and trendy materials like lifestyle, products and cool art, toy, many many, very inspirational book. After all, it has an interview of Baba and myself in it, hehe. Yuen Chi Chung came by and shot some nice footage of band rehearsals today. WingShya also came by to make some beautiful photos today at rehearsal. Wing’s gonna have a photo exhibition on Oct 11 with “...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Exiled has been voted to be the only film that is eligible to represent hong Kong to compete at the Oscars next year as best foreign film!

Hurray!!! Exiled has been voted to be the only film that is eligible to  represent hong Kong to compete at the Oscars next year as best foreign film!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhh!

I felt like I have finally done something for my family to be proud of if only......my role would kill off all the guys in the end.

Thanks to my boss peter lam and director Johnny to and the whole crew. Still got many pe...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

Thanks everyone!!! / 謝謝大家!!!!

Hey everyone,

Thanks for coming out to support last night at the Quiksilver

opening.  I really enjoyed the time with all you girls at "Sweet

Jane".  It was a good night!  I should've bought you guys more drinks!

Gotta thank John for helping out with the whole production last

night!  It was like making miracle in a very small spot, very

intelligent producer!  Please give a round of applause to


Thank you for all the "Al...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares


Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 18, 2007