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March 2nd, 2008 Josie Ho's Glam Trash Live Concert

Josie will be holding her 2008 Glam Trash Live Concert on March 2nd 2008 at HITEC's Star Hall in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. 

The concert will be a prelaunch event for Josie's upcoming Mandarin album titled 'Elastic Rocks' and feature a number of Josie's friends as guest performers,  including:

Paul Wong DJ Becareful aka Sam Lee 24 Herbs Read more

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Written on Jan 28, 2008 | 寫於二零零八年一月二十八日

We have been having meetings about this concert on March 2nd this week.  Lots and lots of things are set, I am sure our visuals will be very interesting as we have RSA on board to help out.  We are more organized this time, we have sent out our concert song rundowns already and have sent them toEnglandalready so we can work with the visual effect in a very accurate way.  This show is gonna be good!

As we have been sitting down talking with the band about music tonight, I have formally invited Kevin (Hardpack), ...Read more

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Uni No.1 son. | Uni - 我的No.1 兒子.

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Dedicate to my three very special mentors! | 獻給我三位很特別的良師益友!


Thanks for all your reply!  Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile, these days have been a bit overloaded.  I will keep up the writing on this blog.

Spent a whole night with this concert's producer/director and band leader Kevin to decide which songs to sing in the concert.  Any special request???  I will bring the house down!!  Remember to save the date March 2nd.


Other than singing my own songs, I really want to dedicate a part to my three very special mento...Read more

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Date:2 March 2008

Venue: HITEC Star Hall

All details will be announced soon.


日期: 2008年三月二日


所有有關細節快將公佈 。

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Wild Day Out Concert was fun! / Wild Day Out 演唱會很好玩

Wild Day Out Concert was fun! It was the first time I sang my new song, Ho Chiu Supermarket, Chinese (Ho Chiu Cee).  I am really happy about the response. That outfit I had on really psyched me up. I was so inspired during my set, I felt like I was about to take off, haha!! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

I love these gigs when you get to do it with such superb productions, it sounded really good on stage. That's like suddenly singing in heaven. Thank you so...Read more

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Blog: Wednesday, Jan 9

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............................................Happy New Year!! Wishing everyone has the luckiest and the most efficient year ahead!

prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" / 

I gave myself a long holiday on line, thanks for all the X'mas and Birthday and New Year blessing!!


I had lots of fun during my holiday this year, it’s one of my favorite one when I can spend time with my family, all aunties and nephews and more friends.  I remember w...Read more

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Yeah!! I can all spend X'mas with our friends and family!! | Yeah!!! 能與家人及朋友歡度整個聖誕

Haha.........just watched E entertainment, the "Forbes Top 20 most intriguing Heiress Show" was just on.  It's funny to see yourself on these programs, it's an honour to be on the list with the real intriguing women in the world, I would love to meet them though. Seems like they are very intelligent women who works so hard and play hard at the same time, love to join their parties.  Believe me or not, our parties here inHong Kongis nothing compare to thos...Read more

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Wrote on 14 Dec 07 | 寫於12月14日

Thanks for everyone's blessings!  Uni is finally outta the

hospital!!!  Yeh!!  He is finally up and running.  I love to write

everyone back once in awhile, surprise surprise!!

 We finally shot the album cover two nights ago, it's absolutely

superb!!  it's been a long long time since I've worked with Titi,

Zing and WingShya.  I've worked with all of them independently a lot

but this is the first time these genius are brought together to work

on the same p...Read more

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Please pray for us! | 請為我們祈禱吧!!

Hey hey,

Long time hasn't written, sorry about that I was inSingaporefor the past week. I was a jury forAsia's First Film Festival.  Watched lots of good film, got really inspired, there are so many good film makers I'm so happy I got to see them first. Just one very unfortunate issue popped up while I was gone.  My eldest boy, Uni. Beautiful brown Shizu was seriously ill, he had acute kidney failure. He is better and out of the hospital now, we are trying our best to give him the quality of life right now....Read more

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Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Hong Kong
April 18, 2007