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Discussing The One Foundation with Daniel Wu|和吳彥祖討論"壹基金"|和吴彦祖讨论"壹基金"

The One Foundation recently hosted the 'One Family, Walking Together' memorial event to mark the one year anniversary of the May 12th earthquake that struck Wenchuan County in Sichuan, China. 

Among the artists who came to support was Hong Kong actor and alivenotdead.comco-founder Daniel Wu.  Daniel took the opportunity to sit down with the One Foundation's founder Jet Li for an informal interview to share some information about the Sichuan Earthquake memorial event and the goals of the One Foundation. Daniel's blog about his visit can be seen here.

The video of Daniel's interview can be seen in its entirety in the following videos:

Part 1: ( Youtube HDYouku)

Part 2: ( Youtube HDYouku)

Part 3: ( Youtube HDYouku)

                                                                    |                       為紀念四川汶川5.12大地震一周年,"壹基金"最近舉辦了"壹家人 壹起走"徒步映秀震中紀念活動。

參加此次徒步活動的藝術家中就有香港演員、 alivenotdead.com 聯合創始人 吳彥祖。吳彥祖還借此機會專訪了"壹基金"創辦人李連傑,就紀念四川大地震活動和"壹基金"的目標進行了獨家訪談。 吳彥祖在博客中記錄了此次專訪


第一部分: ( Youtube HD优酷)

第二部分:( Youtube HD, 优酷)

第三部分:( Youtube HD优酷)

                                            |为纪念四川汶川5.12大地震一周年,"壹基金"最近举办了"壹家人 壹起走"徒步映秀震中纪念活动。

参加此次徒步活动的艺术家中就有香港演员、 alivenotdead.com 联合创始人 吴彦祖。吴彦祖还借此机会专访了"壹基金"创办人李连杰,就纪念四川大地震活动和"壹基金"的目标进行了独家访谈。 吴彦祖在博客中记录了此次专访


第一部分: ( Youtube HD优酷) 第二部分: ( Youtube HD优酷) 第三部分: ( Youtube HD优酷) | The One Foundation recently hosted the 'One Family, Walking Together' memorial event to mark the one year anniversary of the May 12th earthquake that struck Wenchuan County in Sichuan, China. 

Among the artists who came to support was Hong Kong actor and alivenotdead.comco-founder Daniel Wu.  Daniel took the opportunity to sit down with the One Foundation's founder Jet Li for an informal interview to share some information about the Sichuan Earthquake memorial event and the goals of the One Foundation. Daniel's blog about his visit can be seen here.

The video of Daniel's interview can be seen in its entirety in the following videos:

Part 1: ( Youtube HDYouku)

Part 2: ( Youtube HDYouku)

Part 3: ( Youtube HDYouku)

about 15 years ago 0 likes  45 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
go daniel! go jet!
about 15 years ago
Photo 320047
cool...lala....we a not little...
about 15 years ago
Photo 319485
Great Interview!! Thank you for the caption. It's lovely to hear you speak so passionately about The One Foundation and it's purpose. Thanks for sharing! ~Shairah~
about 15 years ago


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