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Gordon Chiu
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American Taxicab Drivers?

Do you believe that the future will be filled with American Taxi Cab Drivers?

The following video provides a strange theme of overspending creates a problem where Americans will exit to foreign lands for work such as driving taxi cabs ...

2010 will soon be here. The dollar has strengthened its position and gold has weakened from its highs. Food prices (eggs, potato chips etc) are hyperinflated but demand is still low. Such a controversial video could be drastically wrong or very correct.



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over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Some are casting serious doubts on H.A.M.P.A.

Five days before Christmas and there is debate amongst analysts that H.A.M.P.A. (Home Affordable Modification Program) will work. Their argument: unemployment around 10% means people can payoff their mortgages and H.A.M.P.A. only covers those with a job.

In the following report, various scenarios are considered. With healthcare reform, Copenhagen, and housing considerations ... its going to be lots of resolutions during the New Year of 2010:

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over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Copenhagen and tanning taxes (what a weekend)

In conclusion, after 2 weeks of debate, change is here. According to Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International  "The deal is a triumph of spin over substance."

If you look closely it is not a total loss as we went from Kyoto Protocol in 1997 -rejected by the US to a 2009 Copenhagen nonbinding agreement spearheaded by President Obama as a compromise to the arguments in the 11th hour. The next major U.N. climate conference will be in 2010's Mexico City.

It is not a tota...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Alzheimer's Disease: Xenoparticulates in Low Quality Cookware

Alzheimer's Disease and its prevention starts with ensuring your pots and pans are made properly without contaminants. This is a common source of foreign particulates/contaminants aka xenoparticulates.

Watch the following video on alloys and the level of care needed to ensure quality is maintained at the manufacturer's level. The food you eat is made in cookware that may possess contaminants due to poor material quality derived from cheaper sources. The proper cookware can help...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Alzheimer's Disease & Omega-3 results

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain accounting for 50-70 percent of dementia. It will destroy thinking, reasoning, memory and other cognitive skills down to the core basics of simple tasks like eating. Eventually the body shuts down. The following article is a most recent publication that omega-3s can be helpful in improving memory.

Of course, chronic disease is underfunded and no...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

The Greater Depression ... (Doug Casey)

Mid year ... Doug Casey talked about gold increasing and now we're over $1100/oz. He walks listeners through how and why the "Greater" Depression is currently happening right now. Its December 11, 2009 ... do you think he's right?

These days, in thinking as a strategist for CEOs and companies, most investors/ owners (individuals who amassed great wealth before I was even born) have listened to some form of Doug's talk and methodology. So for me, I make myself aware of these thoughts. Knowi...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

The Bionic Finger Changes Patients' Lives

The world of medicine is changing more rapidly than we've ever imagined. The bionic finger is a powerful advancement that will improve the livelihood of millions ...


Spoof link  

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Wang Zifei "A Chinese Obama Girl?"

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Dr. Chiu joins Jedi organization (Q&A)

For all the calls on my voicemail ... here's the answer to the common questions:

Q: Was the announcement real?

A: Yes. It is true I have joined Jedi Mind Inc. on their Advisory Board.

Q: Have you left any of your other positions?

A: No, I have not stopped my works with other relationships (ie. BioNeutral Group, Volcanic Nectar, Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Two flu shots are better than one (with some exceptions ...)

Despite side effects of a second dose, the argument has been made the a second dose is beneficial.

"The Agency noted that the second dose increases the immune response against pandemic influenza. The Agency has recommended that this information be included in the prescribing information, and be taken into consideration when deciding whether to give a second dose to children. This follows the review of new GlaxoSmithKline data from an ongoing clinical trial in children aged from six mon...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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October 22, 2008