Official Artist
Kevin Chau
Composer , Music Producer , Rapper
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Probably a resounding yes but....

Am I opening myself for potshots in admitting that my favorite song comes from a videogame? And do I make it worse by telling you that there is a remake of said game coming out tomorrow and I can't sleep because I'm too excited about it? And what if I told you that I was actually in cosplay while typing this and preparing to camp out in front of Wanchai's 188 centre? And if I told you that the majority of my rudimentary English skills were gleaned from playing said game? And that I cried cause I felt the game was so touching? And that I had a lot of fanfiction + hentai pics of said characters from the game?

(which is the truth? which is a lie? I'm a scorpio so it's all MYSTERIOUS~~~~~ haha)



And without further ado - my favorite song in two of it's many incarnations....

"Theme of Love" composed by Nobuo Uematsu

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSxrh0_khfU&feature=related Ida Emi - Tsuki no Akari - Final Fantasy IV Ai no Theme - the new remix for the game tomorrow!




over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 57448
7 - Was pretty good, but only got so much love cause most of the PS generation was too young to play 4 10 - Not bad, but then Tidus? x) 12 - You mean FF11 single player? hehe Seriously just try this one out - the story is what FF's have been famous for, and this one mos def has an amazing story....
over 16 years ago
Photo 39462
you enlighten and inspire me bro!! luv ya xx
over 16 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
FF6 is still a little more hardcore...but I'm feelin ya brotha. FF2 u.s. or IV has always been an altime since it was one of the first rpg's I've ever played an completed. Oh the memories....Palom and Porom. The first initiation of becoming a paladin. The moon....everything. Am I more hardcore than you? I used to actually act out every line with my own vocals and even had friends doing it with me. Hopefully we can still input our own names..I will use you, which character would you like to be? hahaha. I've always prefered the celtic moon soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTyVUfGSyZ4
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
dude you're hardcore =P the song sounds beautiful!
over 16 years ago
Photo 48700
Dude seriously FFVII changed my life.. I dedicated 300+ hours to it back in the day and cried when Aerith Died... my god if they ever remake that expect me to stop doing anything for at least 100 hours.. I'll have to play it on a cushioned bedpan so i can shit and eat and sleep without stopping! LEVEL UP MOTHERFUCKER!!!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 48700
Oh seriously get an xbox and lost odyssey. It is a total rip off of FF and pretty fuckin awesome. I only lost 70 hours to that one
over 16 years ago
Photo 23329
what ? wtf is ffiv ?.... .....oh its a game .... ah huh...... so the big deal is ?
over 16 years ago
Photo 38281
hey its good to let things out you know? am glad you posted this... we are with you my brother! now which character were you dressed up to be? haha
over 16 years ago


Just learning up on the fine balance in this minute minuet called the intimate infinite...

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