Ee Hoon Khoo
演员, 艺术总监
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AnD 新朋友/New friends


Met some really cool people in AnD, some of them became good friends too. I´m grateful for the friendship. The thing that is unique with AnD is that, its a congregation and merging ground for mostly Art lovers and people with a unique kind of zest and determination in life. Here the artistic vibes is profound and its also a place that I feel safe.

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
We're grateful to have you here too!
大约 15 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I totally agree with you. AnD is a great place for people to share their creative endeavors and to meditate on life in different ways than the general population. There are many wonderful people here on AnD. I also concur with what you say about it feeling like a safe place to share. Sometimes, on the net in general, I am very cautious about what I share--afraid it will be stolen without permission or proper credit, or somehow my words will be turned around to mean something quite different than I intended. I don't see that happening here.
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 246443
在姐姐这里我得到了一颗 宁静、踏实的心,我觉得自己长大了很多,更加理解父母,我不再抱怨,不再自悲……我学会了自信,并且更加努力了! 忠心的感谢姐姐:) 祝福姐姐……加油!A za a za fighting ~~
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 290347
Great to have you! Life is hard enough. When you're an artist, you end up speaking a different language which you know must be kept to reach the next level. Having people around with this common thread helps us to stay the course without being so lonely =D
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 55108
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 341408
谢谢大家的留言! Thank you for leaving all your messages! 由衷感谢!Appreciates!
大约 15 年 ago


Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们


english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
December 6, 2008