Don Cruz
作曲家, 音乐家
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Wow Beijing rocked... Had a lot of fun playing guitar for Kubert and Josie and I ate a lot of food...  So lets see the day we got there we hauled our equipment to the hotel and realised it was actually quite chilly... Luckily for me I checked the internet for the weather before packing and leaving.  We went to see the Modern Sky Festival venue and it was huge... It was like being at a very big 'Rockit' festival here in HK.

We had a little rehearsal  that night in a bandroom in Beijing... I couldn't believe how cheap it was and the...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

I'm leaving on a Jet plane...

I'm off to BeiJing to play some shows!!! Never been there so I'm quite excited to see something new... I'm gonna play for our good friends Ah Pak and Josie.. And I get to see the YeahYeahYeahs!!!! Swwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! Actually get to share the same stage... I think... Which makes it even sweeter!!!! Can't wait... This years been great to see shows... So far... Muse, Cure and NIN and next is Yeahyeahyeahs!!!! Man... Life is good...

I will definitely post pictures...

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接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares


Ohh my goodness!!!!

Those boys blew me away.... My favourite part of the show was when Trent Reznor said to the crowd... "If I had known you guys were such a great crowd, I wouldn't have fucked around 300 years ago!"

They put on one hell of  show!!!  Lighting was amazing... especially the massive wide screen that came down half way... They played in front and behind it... It was so cooooooool!!!! There was this one part where they were playing behind a distorted screen and you could just see their image ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

My Baby Girls

As I promised before... Here are my ladies...

I call them ladies coz I think all guitars are women....

Curvy, elegant and beautiful...

Here is my Tele Plus and My Jaguar under the flash

 Under O...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

In da studio and SKATE

OK... Sorry for the low quality pics form the phone-camera but yeah this is behalf of Kev too ...( http://www.alivenotdead.com/?kevinli)

Kev and I went to A-room to do some tracks for his Josie song with Davy.... Bloody catchy melody... It haunts us all!!!... you only need to hear it once and you too will be finding that melody line stuck in your brain forever... Damn you Kev!!!! 

Well we decided to run through my portable rig and straight to Davy's rig... It's so nice t...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

Sushi Orgasms

Ok... So now the sushi we all went to the other day... There's no other way to describe it... Fuckin' Sexy!!! An Orgy in my mouth... man check it out... I esp like the blow torch cooked stuff.... ask dax and nani... we were all like MMMMMmmmmmmm (with eye's shut)... My personal Fav is the blow torched cooked scallop... omg sooo goood.... it was all damn good... we goobbled up so much sushi we almost forgot to take some pictures....

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接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

Welcome to my page!

It's about bloody time ehh? Welcome to my other half of my AnD world...

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Yo Yo Yo!!!

So here it is.... Spanking new profile... Very Special Thx to the AnD Boys for this sweet ass profile... So proud!!! Well I've been freekin' busy sorting out all kinds of stuff.. Recording guitars for Josie Ho's new songs..... (Watch out for the Audiotraffic one... its rockin hot!) ... Been to several meetings... finished mixing the Audiotraffic Album... sorting out new flat... But I managed to have a chilled Saturday on the boat... ate loads and we met up with the Bert and the AnD guys on their mickymouse club boat with a cute little...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares



Hong Kong
August 28, 2007