Don Cruz
作曲家, 音乐家
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Yo Yo Yo!!!

So here it is.... Spanking new profile... Very Special Thx to the AnD Boys for this sweet ass profile... So proud!!! Well I've been freekin' busy sorting out all kinds of stuff.. Recording guitars for Josie Ho's new songs..... (Watch out for the Audiotraffic one... its rockin hot!) ... Been to several meetings... finished mixing the Audiotraffic Album... sorting out new flat... But I managed to have a chilled Saturday on the boat... ate loads and we met up with the Bert and the AnD guys on their mickymouse club boat with a cute little flag... You guys should have stolen that flag!!! Was a very nice chillled Saturday... Looking forward to more free time to to that more often...

If you haven't been on the Audiotraffic site... I recently put a picture game/trivia thingy on... Please go and check it out.. it's way fun! -----> http://www.alivenotdead.com/?audiotraffic

Man Today.... I had to go out and buy a proper copy of my favourite audio program, Ableton Live...

Mine died during a session coz...err.. coz... uhm... well you know... so i went out and bought it at Tsang Fook Music store (official Ableton Dealer in HK) in Jordan... Luckily it was on sale... and actually there was a lot more musical stuff on sale... but only till the end of the month... So i will definitely go back there soon...

Dax has settled in the flat and I haven't had time to chill with him much... but i have promised to take him to a kick ass sushi restaurant in mong kok.... Its so good... We will take photo's of the food and tell you the address... Its sooo damn good....

Anywayz... peace for now... Until next time...

BTW Pat... When you picking up Jto's old guitar.. He bought a new one already... Let me know bro

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Hong Kong
August 28, 2007