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Daniel Wu
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The Stage Documentary|舞台紀錄片|舞台纪录片|ザ・ステージのドキュメンタリー

The Stage: Short Doc from Daniel Wu on Vimeo. So here's a little short documentary, Kim Chan, put together for me about the creation of "The Stage", the design project that Edward Huang and I put together for the HK/Shenzhen Biennale. If you don't know what I'm talking about please refer to my previous blogs. As you can probably tell I'm pretty proud of this project. It's interesting to me personally because what was once meant to be my career has now come back to me as a hobby. One of the main reasons why I didn't want to do architecture as a career was because I had worked in many offices but still could not find the creative freedom and energy that I had in school and I found that quite depressing. I wanted to affect the world with my creative energy, not sit in front of a computer all day drafting up other people's half-assed designs or dealing with office politics. Luckily the Hong Kong film business found me and I was able to find a whole new environment that allowed me total freedom to be creative. The two fields may seem totally different but they are more alike than you can imagine. They are both arts and art is about the ability to speak to an audience using your own creative skills via a medium. One is through buildings and one is through film. Both require the public and an audience in order to be successful and when people are touched by your work, that sense of satisfaction is beyond words.

If you haven't been over there yet and you live in Hong Kong, you have until Feb 26th and then it all comes down and will nothing more than an awesome memory in my mind. Thanks again Kim for all your hard work on this video!  | 舞台:短記錄片視頻 來自吳彥祖.

這是一個簡短的紀錄片,Kim Chan把關於舞台的創作為我整合到了一起,關於舞台的這一設計項目是Edward Huang和我一起為香港∕深圳城市建築雙年展所設計的。要是不知道我在說什麽,請返回到我先 前的博客一探究竟。你們也能明白,對於這個項目,我真的是頗感自豪。其實個人而言,我覺得挺有意思的,因為過去,意味著成為我職業的東西現在卻成了我的一個愛好。以前我也坐過辦公室,但是始終不能像在學校那樣充滿著創作上的自由性以及活力,確實覺得挺郁悶的。這也是我不想從事建築業的主要原因之一吧。我想用自己創造性的活力來影響這個世界,而不是整日坐在電腦前面,擬訂著別人那些草草了事的設計,或是處理辦公室政治。幸運的是香港電影發現了我,我也能找到一個全新的環境來賦予自己創作上的自由。電影和建築看似是兩個完全不同的領域,其實它們的相似之處卻是你們無法想像的。它們都是藝術,而藝術就是憑借媒介,運用你自己的創造性技巧,讓它能夠和受眾對話。只不過一種是通過建築,一種是電影。為了取得成功,兩者都需要公眾和觀眾。而當你的作品打動大家時,那種滿足感是很難用言語表達的。

舞台:短记录片视频 来自吴彦祖.

这是一个简短的纪录片,Kim Chan把关于舞台的创作为我整合到了一起,关于舞台的这一设计项目是Edward Huang和我一起为香港∕深圳城市建筑双年展所设计的。要是不知道我在说什么,请返回到我先 前的博客一探究竟。你们也能明白,对于这个项目,我真的是颇 感自豪。其实个人而言,我觉得挺有意思的,因为过去,意味着成为我职业的东西现在却成了我的一个爱好。以前我也坐过办公室,但是始终不能像在学校那样充满 着创作上的自由性以及活力,确实觉得挺郁闷的。这也是我不想从事建筑业的主要原因之一吧。我想用自己创造性的活力来影响这个世界,而不是整日坐在电脑前 面,拟订着别人那些草草了事的设计,或是处理办公室政治。幸运的是香港电影发现了我,我也能找到一个全新的环境来赋予自己创作上的自由。电影和建筑看似是 两个完全不同的领域,其实它们的相似之处却是你们无法想像的。它们都是艺术,而艺术就是凭借媒介,运用你自己的创造性技巧,让它能够和受众对话。只不过一 种是通过建筑,一种是电影。为了取得成功,两者都需要公众和观众。而当你的作品打动大家时,那种满足感是很难用言语表达的。

The Stage: Short Doc from Daniel Wu on Vimeo. ここに、 キム・チャンが僕のために、僕とエドワード・ファンが香港・シンセンビエンナーレのためにデザインした「ザ・ステージ」の作成過程について作成し た短いドキュメンタリーを挙げておくよ。僕が何について言っているか見当がつかなかったら、 以前のブログのエントリーをご覧下さい。みんなもわかると思う んだけど、僕は本当にこのプロジェクトが誇らしいんだ。僕個人にとっても面白いんだよ。というのも、僕が以前やっていたことが趣味として戻ってきたんだ。 僕が建築を仕事にしたくなかった最大の理由は、いくつかの事務所で働いたことがあるんだけど、学生時代にあったような創造的な自由とかエネルギーみたいな ものがなくて、本当に憂鬱だったんだ。僕はね、創造的なエネルギーを持って、世界を変えたかったんだ。一日中コンピューターの前に座って、誰かの中途半端 な設計を仕上げたり、事務所内の政治的なことに手を出したりする代わりにさ。幸いなことに、僕は香港の映画業界に見つけてもらえて、僕はこの新しい環境は 創造的である自由を僕に与えてくれたんだ。この二つの世界はぜんぜん違って見えるだろうけど、想像以上に似通っているんだよ。どちらも技術と芸術で媒体を 通じて観客に対して自分の想像性を訴えかけるんだよ。片方は建物を通じて、もう片方はフィルムを通じてね。どちらも発表する場所と観客が必要で、成功した り、人を感動させるためには言語を超えたところにあるセンスが必要なんだよ。


over 14 years ago 0 likes  45 comments  0 shares
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over 14 years ago
Photo 341408
I would like to compliment you on a project that pushes the boundary on originality, ideas, creativity, beauty in structure, form and design. I love what you have done. I have been doing alot of customise theatre projects and have also explored different techniques in these projects but none as simple, beautiful and effective as your idea here. Well done! "The Stage" is interesting as it merges traditional building material, skills and techniques with modern lighting effect to create an architectural structure that that is both beautiful and artistic. I Really like it. I hope you would have more opportunity to continue to pursue in this area of your interest and hope to see more creative work from you.
over 14 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
You should be very proud of this, it's beautiful and great use of bamboo. Saw this again Saturday when I went there to see the street music concert @ BYOB. Great video too.
over 14 years ago


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