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Longboard Mania|瘋狂的長板|疯狂的长板|Longboard Mania

Since I broke my leg skating in New York a couple years ago I don't skate anymore. Not because I'm afraid of getting hurt again but because it cost me a lot of work being laid up at home for 2 months. When I skated I used to frown at the long boarders. Mainly because of the image of crunchy hippies riding down the boardwalk on Venice beach. These guys take it to another level though. Would I try it? Heck no. But I do respect the talent these guys have. Thanks to Eddie from 24Herbs for sending me this!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW-J2pQrlsw http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMzQxOTY0NjE2.html |自打幾年前在紐約我因 玩滑板摔斷了腿後,我就沒再玩滑板了。我倒不是因為害怕再次受傷,而是因為臥床在家兩個月對我來說實在是太費事了。以前玩滑板時,長板玩家總令我蹙眉,主要是因為嬉皮士們在Venice 海灘木棧道上“吱吱嘎嘎”滑行給我留下的不良印象吧。但視頻中的這些夥計們把長板玩到了另一個極致。我是否會再度嘗試?絕不。但我的確佩服這些夥計們的能耐。

感謝 24味Eddie將這個視頻發給我! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW-J2pQrlsw[http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQxOTY0NjE2.html](http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQxOTY0NjE2.html)|自打几年前在纽约我因 玩滑板摔断了腿后,我就没再玩滑板了。我倒不是因为害怕再次受伤,而是因为卧床在家两个月对我来说实在是太费事了。以前玩滑板时,长 板玩家总令我蹙眉,主要是因为嬉皮士们在Venice 海滩木栈道上“吱吱嘎嘎”滑行给我留下的不良印象吧。但视频中的这些伙计们把长板玩到了另一个极致。我是否会再度尝试?绝不。但我的确佩服这些伙计们的能 耐。

感谢 24味Eddie将这个视频发给我! Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQxOTY0NjE2.html| Since I broke my leg skating in New York a couple years ago I don't skate anymore. Not because I'm afraid of getting hurt again but because it cost me a lot of work being laid up at home for 2 months. When I skated I used to frown at the long boarders. Mainly because of the image of crunchy hippies riding down the boardwalk on Venice beach. These guys take it to another level though. Would I try it? Heck no. But I do respect the talent these guys have. Thanks to Eddie from 24Herbs for sending me this!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW-J2pQrlsw http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMzQxOTY0NjE2.html

12 年多 前 0 赞s  22 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it looks pretty awesome.... assuming you are a pro. ;-) if not.... that ends up in another video. :-P
12 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005