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Daniel Wu
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I lived through the Linsaity and it's truly Linsane!!!!| 親歷“林書豪熱”,真是“豪瘋狂”!|亲历“林书豪热”,真是“豪疯狂”!!!!

If you've been following my blog, you might notice I use the word insane a lot. From now on, I will officially use the word Linsane. Why? Because tonight I got to witness the Linsanity in the flesh.

When I was in New York in November and December filming Europa Report, I was really let down that I didn't get to catch a Knicks game at Madison Square Garden because of the strike. At the time I wasn't a Knicks fan but MSG is a legendary basketball arena and I've always wanted to feel the MSG crowd. Tonight not only did I get a chance to catch a game at MSG but I got to see the MSG crowd go crazy for my favorite NBA player Jeremy Lin. The collective screams of "We Want Jeremy!" and "MVP" gave me chills. Patience is truly a virtue and finally I was rewarded.

That goes for Jeremy too. He's being rewarded now for his patience, big time. Back in the summer of 2010, I had my 3rd and final wedding party in Las Vegas and a friend of mine brought Jeremy along. I had just heard about this Chinese American kid who had wowed everyone at the NBA summer league by schooling then #1 draft pick John Wall. I had seen the highlight reel of that game on youtube and he had just gotten drafted to the Warriors (my home team) so I was excited to meet him. He was such a nice kid full of optimism and hope for his future in the NBA. I was really happy for him and wished him well.

Unfortunately once the season started, he only got garbage time with the Warriors and was even sent down to the Developmental league a couple of times. I had him on news feed and was constantly checking his stats on ESPN Fantasy basketball but it didn't seem he was being given a chance. The season ended and the strike started and Jeremy's status was up in the air. In the end he was dropped from the Warriors(stupidest move ever) was picked up by Houston for two weeks before finally being picked up by New York. But up until last week he was looking at more of the same thing with the Knicks as he was experiencing with the Warriors. What was even more frustrating was that the Knicks did not have a functioning point guard and Jeremy could have easily filled in that spot. It must have been even more frustrating for him knowing that he could be the PG but powerless to influence his coach much less anyone else to put him in the game and play. That said however, I think it was these one and half years sitting there watching and stewing in his own frustration that helped Jeremy explode when coach D'Antoni finally put him in the lineup.

Opportunity does not equal success. OPPORTUNITY MEANS NOTHING IF YOU'RE NOT READY FOR IT, SO ALWAYS BE READY. And that's exactly what Jeremy did. Something tells me that Jeremy needed this time to stew, to grow, to expand before "getting his chance" and becoming the player he is now. Come to think of it he's been stewing his whole basketball career from taking his highschool to the championships and not getting a college scholarship from it, to not being a draft pick even though he had an amazing career at Harvard. So last week when he was finally put in the game to play for real, he exploded like no one has ever done before. No one in the history of the NBA has scored higher and dished out more assists  in his first 5 starts. No one has been able to capture the entire sports world like Lin has and probably even more unlikely, jaded New Yorker sports fans have never been so quick to embrace a star like Lin.

And what a perfect platform to launch a talent like his. New York, the greatest city in the world. Madison Square Garden, the greatest basketball arena in the world. The Knicks, a once great team hungry to be the greatest team in the world again. Perfect timing, perfect place, perfect team, a perfect opportunity realized. If Malcom Gladwell was to come out with a second edition of The Outliers, he should add a chapter just on Jeremy because he is truly an outlier.

I was glad to be a witness to this Linsanity tonight and I wish him the best for seasons to come. Keep exploding kid, it's your time.

| 如果你一直有看我的博客,可能會註意到我常用“好瘋狂”這個詞。從現在起我要正式用“豪瘋狂”這個詞了。為什麼?因為今晚我親身體驗了“林書豪熱”。

去年十一、二月份在紐約拍攝《歐羅巴報告》時,我因碰到罷工而未能看上麥迪遜廣場花園的那場尼克斯隊的比賽,一直深感遺憾。那時我倒還不是尼克斯隊的粉絲,但是麥迪遜廣場花園的籃球場可是個傳奇的賽場,我一直想感受一下那裡的現場氣氛。今晚,我不僅得以在那裡看了場比賽,也得以見證了觀眾如何為我最喜愛的NBA 球員林書豪而瘋狂。大家齊聲高喊“我們要書豪!”以及“MVP (最有價值球員)”,令我感到顫慄。耐心確實是美德,我終於得償所願。

林書豪亦然。現在他的耐心和堅忍也讓他得償所願。偉大的時刻。回想2010年夏天時,我在拉斯維加斯舉行第三個,也是最後一個婚禮派對時,一個朋友帶著林書豪一道來。我正好已聽說了這個美籍華裔小夥子在NBA 夏季聯賽中教訓了選秀狀元約翰沃特,令大家唏噓贊嘆;而我也在Youtube中看了那場比賽的精彩片段;那時他又剛簽約勇士隊(我家鄉的主隊),所以很是興奮得以認識他。那時這個友善的小夥子對於他在NBA的未來充滿了樂觀,充滿了希望。我也為他高興,為他祝福。


機會不等於成功。“如果你尚未準備好,機會就沒有任何意義。所以永遠要做好準備。”“做好準備”,這正是書豪所做的。事實說明瞭書豪在獲得真正的機會之前,恰恰需要這段時間去煎熬,然後得以成長,得以拓展,方能成為現在這樣優秀的球員。這樣想來,他的整個籃球事業從一開始可就是倍受煎熬的:高中時帶領校籃球隊獲得冠軍,卻未能因此獲得大學獎學金;雖在哈佛已有驚人戰績,卻未能獲選新秀。所以上周當他終於能真正打場比賽時,他的爆發是史無前例。在NBA 歷史上,沒有人在開季的首5場比賽中,比他得到更高分數,送出更多的助攻。沒有人曾象林書豪這樣徵服整個體育界。也許更為特別的是,挑剔的紐約球迷們以前可從來沒有象對待林書豪這樣地那麼快就接納一個新星呵。



| 如果你一直有看我的博客,可能会注意到我常用“好疯狂”这个词。从现在起我要正式用“豪疯狂”这个词了。为什么?因为今晚我亲身体验了“林书豪热”。去 年十一、二月份在纽约拍摄《欧罗巴报告》时,我因碰到罢工而未能看上麦迪逊广场花园的那场尼克斯队的比赛,一直深感遗憾。那时我倒还不是尼克斯队的粉丝, 但是麦迪逊广场花园的篮球场可是个传奇的赛场,我一直想感受一下那里的现场气氛。今晚,我不仅得以在那里看了场比赛,也得以见证了观众如何为我最喜爱的NBA球员林书豪而疯狂。大家齐声高喊“我们要书豪!”以及“MVP(最有价值球员)”,令我感到颤栗。耐心确实是美德,我终于得偿所愿。林书豪亦然。现在他的耐心和坚忍也让他得偿所愿。伟大的时刻。回想2010年夏天时,我在拉斯维加斯举行第三个,也是最后一个婚礼派对时,一个朋友带着林书豪一道来。我正好已听说了这个美籍华裔小伙子在NBA夏季联赛中教训了选秀状元约翰沃特,令大家唏嘘赞叹;而我也在Youtube中看了那场比赛的精彩片段;那时他又刚签约勇士队(我家乡的主队),所以很是兴奋得以认识他。那时这个友善的小伙子对于他在NBA的未来充满了乐观,充满了希望。我也为他高兴,为他祝福。不幸的是赛季开始后,他在勇士队却成了“板凳球员”,甚至还屡次被下放到发展联盟。我把他加到我的新闻快递中,也时常在ESPN“梦 幻篮球”关注他的信息,但一直没见他得到什么机会。旧赛季结束,新打击开始,林书豪的命运悬而未决。后来他被勇士队裁掉(真是最愚蠢的决定),又被休斯敦 火箭队签走,两周后最终签约纽约尼克斯。不过直到上周之前,他在尼克斯队的遭遇还与在勇士队时大同小异。更为沮丧的是尼克斯队本来就缺少一个有效的控球后 卫,而书豪本可以轻易地填补这个空缺的。明知自己能胜任控球后卫,却又无力说服自己的教练和其他同仁,这对于书豪本人来说感觉一定是倍加沮丧了。话说回 来,我想,在这一年半里,煎熬于自己的挫败之中,也促使书豪在主教练德安东尼给他上场机会后,一下子爆发了。机会不等于成功。“如果你尚未准备好,机会就没有任何意义。所以永远要做好准备。”“做好准备”,这正是书豪所做的。事实说明了书豪在获得真正的机会之前, 恰恰需要这段时间去煎熬,然后得以成长,得以拓展,方能成为现在这样优秀的球员。这样想来,他的整个篮球事业从一开始可就是倍受煎熬的:高中时带领校篮球 队获得冠军,却未能因此获得大学奖学金;虽在哈佛已有惊人战绩,却未能获选新秀。所以上周当他终于能真正打场比赛时,他的爆发是史无前例。在NBA历史上,没有人在开季的首5场比赛中,比他得到更高分数,送出更多的助攻。没有人曾象林书豪这样征服整个体育界。也许更为特别的是,挑剔的纽约球迷们以前可从来没有象对待林书豪这样地那么快就接纳一个新星呵。对于他这样的才华,这真是个完美的展现平台:纽约,可谓世界上最伟大的城市。麦迪逊广场花园,可谓世界上最伟大的篮球竞技场。尼克斯,曾经伟大,而如今渴望再度成为世界上最伟大的球队。天时,地利,人和,完美的时机。如果马尔科姆.格拉德威尔要再写《出类拔萃者》续集的话,他应该加上林书豪的一章,因为他真是一个出类拔萃者。很高兴能见证今晚的“林书豪热”。我为他的新赛季送上最美好的祝愿。继续迸发吧,年青人,这是你的时代![](/attachments/2012/02/17/13/7_201202171334401.thumb.jpg)| If you've been following my blog, you might notice I use the word insane a lot. From now on, I will officially use the word Linsane. Why? Because tonight I got to witness the Linsanity in the flesh.

When I was in New York in November and December filming Europa Report, I was really let down that I didn't get to catch a Knicks game at Madison Square Garden because of the strike. At the time I wasn't a Knicks fan but MSG is a legendary basketball arena and I've always wanted to feel the MSG crowd. Tonight not only did I get a chance to catch a game at MSG but I got to see the MSG crowd go crazy for my favorite NBA player Jeremy Lin. The collective screams of "We Want Jeremy!" and "MVP" gave me chills. Patience is truly a virtue and finally I was rewarded.

That goes for Jeremy too. He's being rewarded now for his patience, big time. Back in the summer of 2010, I had my 3rd and final wedding party in Las Vegas and a friend of mine brought Jeremy along. I had just heard about this Chinese American kid who had wowed everyone at the NBA summer league by schooling then #1 draft pick John Wall. I had seen the highlight reel of that game on youtube and he had just gotten drafted to the Warriors (my home team) so I was excited to meet him. He was such a nice kid full of optimism and hope for his future in the NBA. I was really happy for him and wished him well.

Unfortunately once the season started, he only got garbage time with the Warriors and was even sent down to the Developmental league a couple of times. I had him on news feed and was constantly checking his stats on ESPN Fantasy basketball but it didn't seem he was being given a chance. The season ended and the strike started and Jeremy's status was up in the air. In the end he was dropped from the Warriors(stupidest move ever) was picked up by Houston for two weeks before finally being picked up by New York. But up until last week he was looking at more of the same thing with the Knicks as he was experiencing with the Warriors. What was even more frustrating was that the Knicks did not have a functioning point guard and Jeremy could have easily filled in that spot. It must have been even more frustrating for him knowing that he could be the PG but powerless to influence his coach much less anyone else to put him in the game and play. That said however, I think it was these one and half years sitting there watching and stewing in his own frustration that helped Jeremy explode when coach D'Antoni finally put him in the lineup.

Opportunity does not equal success. OPPORTUNITY MEANS NOTHING IF YOU'RE NOT READY FOR IT, SO ALWAYS BE READY. And that's exactly what Jeremy did. Something tells me that Jeremy needed this time to stew, to grow, to expand before "getting his chance" and becoming the player he is now. Come to think of it he's been stewing his whole basketball career from taking his highschool to the championships and not getting a college scholarship from it, to not being a draft pick even though he had an amazing career at Harvard. So last week when he was finally put in the game to play for real, he exploded like no one has ever done before. No one in the history of the NBA has scored higher and dished out more assists  in his first 5 starts. No one has been able to capture the entire sports world like Lin has and probably even more unlikely, jaded New Yorker sports fans have never been so quick to embrace a star like Lin.

And what a perfect platform to launch a talent like his. New York, the greatest city in the world. Madison Square Garden, the greatest basketball arena in the world. The Knicks, a once great team hungry to be the greatest team in the world again. Perfect timing, perfect place, perfect team, a perfect opportunity realized. If Malcom Gladwell was to come out with a second edition of The Outliers, he should add a chapter just on Jeremy because he is truly an outlier.

I was glad to be a witness to this Linsanity tonight and I wish him the best for seasons to come. Keep exploding kid, it's your time.

about 12 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
inspirational (I am avoiding the temptation to do a 'Lin'-pun.... )
about 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
actually I like the quote from Kobe before the game last week... the talent Jeremy has shown didn't come from no where, it was always there and people just didn't know it was there. Its great he's had a chance to finally show it to the world.
about 12 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
This is a historical moment in Asian American history. It is amazing to see people of all races embracing Linsanity. After so many year, it is wonderful to see the many AA stars finally getting their time to shine. The world is changing before our eyes, and you sir is definitely leaving your mark too. Much respect to all you who will inspire the next generation. Yes, getting ready is key. I hope the next generation will see the world of opportunities out there beyond the typically Asian status quote careers. There are Asian American trailblazers in Sports, Art, TV, Film, Music, Entreprenuership that are helping to crack open opportunities for the future. Get ready, success will comes to those who are prepared when the opportunity comes.
about 12 years ago
Photo 505164
Wish I was back in NY to check it out first hand too. I haven't seen a game first hand since back in the Spreewell days. Haven't really wanted to since then. But I'm dying to be back in NYC to be at MSG again. Big ups to Jeremy from one of those jaded new York fans ;) haha
about 12 years ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
TOTALLY LINSANE DUDE ! I Havent been checking out NBA for a while till LIN came a long....
about 12 years ago
Pirenl- If you are saying that Jeremy is not Chinese and you don't understand why Chinese are excited for him then what about me? My background is similar to Jeremy except I started 15 years ago. This is not about being a Chinese citizen but about a person of Chinese descent doing well on a global level. That's why Chinese are and should be excited for him.
about 12 years ago


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