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Daniel Wu
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Green Tip #1|綠色小貼士 #1|绿色小贴士 #1|エコ生活その1

Since we're on a green tip here:

 I've spent the last couple years trying to figure out how to live more "Green" here in Asia. I say Asia because if I were living back in California now, it would be much easier simply because the idea of protecting our environment has been around much longer there so there are so many resources for people when they decide to go green. I say "when" instead of "if" because we must face the fact that the world's resources are dwindling, global warming is happening and if you aren't living green now you have to start soon. So here's a tip to help start you off. (If you take cold showers then this tip doesn't apply to you, you're already doing something green!)

As we all know oil is on it's way to running out, in fact the world's oil supply could very well be depleted in as soon as 20 years. But drinkable water could become the next big thing, so saving water is essential. I recently moved and my new house has a central water heating system(where I had lived before, each bathroom had a small individual heater) which means the hot water has to travel a lot much longer distance through the pipes to the shower. It takes about 2 minutes for the hot water to come through and thus wasting a whole lot of water. So now I am doing something my Dad taught me when I was little and there was a drought in California. Here's what I do:

I get a big bucket and collect the cold water while I'm waiting for the hot water. When the water gets hot, I can jump in the shower.

It fills up almost 15 liters which I then use to water my plants or flush the toilet with. So let's do the math here: 1 Shower a day x 365 days/year = 5,475 Liters of water saved a year. Lisa is doing it too now which means 10,950 liters saved a year in just one household. It's a really simple solution to solving a water waste problem plus I get a mini work out carrying the bucket to water the plants. If you have this problem too, try it out.





這桶能裝15升水,這些水能澆灌我的植物或者沖廁所。請計算一下:每天洗1次澡 x 每年365天 = 每年節約5475升水。Lisa也這麽做,所以一個家庭每年能節約10,950升水。這是個非常簡單的節約水資源的方法,除此之外,提著水桶澆灌植物也是小小的運動。如果你也有這個問題,試試這個辦法。





这桶能装15升水,这些水能浇灌我的植物或者冲厕所。请计算一下:每天洗1次澡 x 每年365天 = 每年节约5475升水。Lisa也这么做,所以一个家庭每年能节约10,950升水。这是个非常简单的节约水资源的方法,除此之外,提着水桶浇灌植物也是小小的运动。如果你也有这个问题,试试这个办法。

                    |           まずは、エコ生活についてお話しする理由から始めましょう。

僕はここ2、3年くらいアジアにおいてもっとエコに生きることができないか探ってきました。なぜアジアというかというと、もしもカリフォルニアに住んでい たならば、ことはもっと簡単で単純なんです。というのも、環境保護についてはカリフォルニアはずっと熱心に�り組んできましたし、環境を保護するためにた くさんの��があるのです。「もしも」ではなく、「今すぐ」なのです。僕たちは�界の資源が枯渇しつつあることを直�しなければなりませんし、温��は現 実のものなのです。仮にあなたがエコに生きていないならば、今すぐ変える必要があります。


皆さんもご存知の通り、石油は枯渇しつつあります。実際に�界の石油の産出は20年以内にできなくなりそうです。おまけに、飲�用水も次の大問題になりえ ます。ですから、水を節約しなければならないのです。僕は最近引っ越しましたが、ここには一括の温水器があります(以前住んでいたところでは、浴室には小 さな温水器があったのです)。どういうことか、と言うと、温水器からシャワーヘッドまでの�には長いパイプがあるのです。お湯が出るようになるまでに約2 分かかります。そのため、多くの水を流しっぱなしにすることになるのです。今僕は、少年時代にカリフォルニアで干ばつがあったときに父に教わったとおりに しているのです。



約15リットルの水がたまりますから、これを僕は植物の水遣りや、トイレに使うのです。ちょっと算数をしましょう。毎日一度のシャワーX一年�3�5 日=5475リットルほど水を節約できます。 リサも同じことをしますから、たった1�帯で年�10950リットルの水を節約できます。とっても簡単な節約�法ですし、水遣りにバケツを運べば、ちょっ としたワークアウトにもなります。お困りでしたら、どうぞ。

over 15 years ago 0 likes  96 comments  0 shares
Jayson 93 2
Wow, didn't know it could add up to so many litres. Thanks for the info Daniel.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dude, you better get more plants, that's a LOT of water...
over 15 years ago
Photo 360502
Great to see a Hong Kong celebrity who actually cares more about the environment than the next luxury car model. Everyday human activities contribute about 60% of the world pollution, corporations contribute the other 35%, so that's a big percentage on our side as individuals. The crisis will only get worse as the world population keeps grow the way it's growing, it's estimated by the United Nations, by 2050 we'll have more than 10 billion people worldwide, we'll have 4 billion more mouths to feed, to consume energy, to fight for resources. (China currently has 1.3 Billion people, in other words, in 40 years we'll have to fit 3 times of the China's current population onto this planet with no extra land). It just doesn't make sense other animals only get to do it during the mating seasons, while we get do it any time any place.
over 15 years ago
Photo 80548
That's a great idea which we normally neglect about. We all go to buy a bucket now!!! :-)
over 15 years ago
Photo 363798
That is very TRUE..!! When my family and I first got in to Australia, we've learned how much water we have wasted.. coz the houses are too big.. I was lucky my Mum pushed me to do that since then, and one more thing.. I'm sure you do it too.. turn off the running water when we brush our teeth..!!! Be Green..! Be happy..! tamara
over 15 years ago
Photo 214991
Wow thats a LLLLLLLot of water!!! Good idea ;)
over 15 years ago
Img 4957
That's a great idea! (and ew, Patrick! hahaha) I remember chasing my friend at his place in the UK turning taps and lights off after him. Some people!!
over 15 years ago
Photo 73131
I recommend: 許冠傑 Sam Hui - 制水歌 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dfqrS0gaCI
over 15 years ago


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