網上多了屏台,少了時間上來寫東西,還是久不久想念這裡的朋友們~你們都好嗎?最近完成了新歌“超生記”的mv拍攝,很感謝隊員們的努力,期待剪接後的完成品,這次的內容很有點,也請來了becarefulLee小琛的幫忙,他真的很專業,欣賞他對工作的熱誠。再次感謝你的參與~Native shoes on Maine~ luv it! magazines' shooting~Read more
thanks for all giving me a fab evening! working wit u guys is always fun! peace:)Stephen@ Milk magazine, SOMAD @ adidas, Isabella@adidas, of coz JeffreyHui & 25 @ Strawberry Fields~ Read more
Adidas is always my all time fav daily wear! the party gone well, meeting up friends there, this is wat party good for~didnt hang for long coz i gota record my last song of EP tonite!finally finished the recording part,feeling good! Read more
the hottest summer ever, started to miss the old autumns..i think its better to start an environmental friendly hood, good for u and to our lovely earth~every little help does alot! action pls!!my wardrobe is well equipped, haha:) here to share my third song of my 2010 song project---"" Won't U Stand""its written for t...Read more
Congrates to Sam! it was a blast! nice design!!red red and RED! haha, my all time favRead more
Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-gK-zJfkdY&feature=player_embedded 異流不異流是一線之差的事.是個人意願還是為迎合大世界生存模式的選擇.你有權觀賞.肯定和活在當下.異流從今與你常在.
編曲監製:許創基.Edmond Tsang
...心頭放太低 做各類宣傳來造勢問你又捧紅哪位 捧壞哪位你做我上帝 多渾滯人人貪心爭吃餅碎出了軌食午飯講東講西討論歌星企位成日要瘦變做成排骨你睇亂作新聞便上位緊貼潮流 傳花邊各種news照舊未扣鈕 沒有狗 於c1發售那需怕醜 昨天也嫌舊想法二流 隨風擺柳不必接受我有say 你有say 那管他是與否 失敗過最好 就算沒出頭無路數做塊爛骨頭也好 都是瑰寶有自信綻放的味道為何家長講你講我都太多若繼續囉囌始終闖禍那怕捱餓 ...Read more
Part 1 - 3 方皓玟專訪@盧玉鳳 度身訂造 Charmaine Fong vs. Mary Lo[Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsE4fOISluE
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxOkDDKgp28
Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqnxGPo_mQ8 Read more
曲.詞.唱:方皓玟可愛可以不愛自己為著愛你 好想好好戀愛嘗試珍惜滋味 繁華大世界的天地 很好奇 同情你玩夠未 憎憎憎憎憎厭自己就是愛你 她好比街邊那螻蟻普通質地 原來符合你的口味 醜心地 同情我的自己 為何為一個人太義無反顧 叫你死死死 你也去死死死 流淚亦一個人也義無反顧 最終 只得到 沒結果的一個後果 終於睇清楚你無謂扮情聖 賭一鋪輸光了頭腦應該清醒 誰人又要你的肯定 假愛情 直到抹黑眼睛 為何為一個人太義無反顧 叫你死死死 你也去死死死 流淚亦一個人太義無反顧 最終 只得到 沒結果的一個後果 真真真假假假話 你愛我嗎 哪會信他 講愛我吧 寧願自尊都不顧義無反顧 叫你死死死...Read more
finding my interest in acting like.2 years ago. back to the days, i only concentrated on singing for almost 7 years, never thought dat i would hve a chace to act.. it seems a mystery to me. it's good! especially for a gal like me. very much need to learn to be patient!!coz its the first thing of all in acting! mostly we spent 5 hours waiting and an hour of camera rolling. funi and an absolute good training for me tho! haha:) i totally love it!this is so much different than being a singer, i sing watever kind i like, just to b...Read more