感謝新相識的朋友給的一個很chill愉快的晚上。一年喝不上一兩次酒的我感覺不錯。謝武的攝影,美~香港最近有許多有關ufo的傳言。我並沒有感覺。認為只要努力活著每天。愛世界自己而快樂便足夠。哪管明天好,明年12月31日好,都不重要。愛~i'm ready for everything"Read more
Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMwIvaqcVyA
-"TO HATERS"方皓玟最新反玟感謝單曲2011
唔怕受氣做夠心理預備我就快死你滿心很歡喜抑或到底發洩一下總好 過鬱到死多得你留下了怨氣迫我反醒會問究竟只因想睇得清灌錄每首 歌唱出我心聲拼命來換更好的反應全籟你對我相當反感你話我樣衰聲 沙多兇狠邊度去搵壯志改變命運今天發生認認真感謝留言人尋開心進 步靠打擊跌倒中振奮人人大駕光臨沒愛心...Read more
hey guys~how u doing? been bc tho on filming, miss u ~
this is some shots from a magazine interview wit Kiu @EAST TOUCH
thanks buddies,luv the pics,very much like charmaine:)
hi guys~sorry abt my blog updating @ a low speed! pretty bc n focus on the tv drama shoot for ATV! it's fun! everyday's a blast! the young actors group makes every bit fun n interesting~i absolutely love the whole progress!keep learning--the best goal in life!how u do? i hope u all doing fine:) i do miss to update blog everyday~ get connected n full of sharings~Read more
tatoo style tee of strawberry presents,designed by 25 @sf. this is 1:2 same tat on maine's body,wearable wit soft cotton made. non-sale stuff, jus for fun:) anyone interested? leave comments if u do! guys~ yo:PRead more
hey everyone;) its been awhile not doing my blog,yea..me is now focusing on the drama shoot which gona launched this month:) very much excited abt it coz its my first time participating in such a long progress shoot. we've been starting it from march til now. almost finished half of my part,nice experience wit such a bunch of good friends around.new things in life is always good to learn to:)yes...Read more