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Celina Jade
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Starwood Series with Peter Ho|與何潤東聯合主演的網劇“星願同行”|与何润东联合主演的网剧“星愿同行”

Hi all!

Long time no blog :) I know, please forgive me... :( After shooting Man with the Iron Fist, I've been involved with shooting a web series with Peter Ho for Starwood. We've been shooting all over the world and it all started in Paris. I can't give away where we've been shooting as there is a competition out there for who can guess our second episodes' destination following Paris. So that means I can't even really blog about my adventures until the episode for that destination is out.

But here's a teaser for Episode 1 :) enjoy!

http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjQ5MTc5OTQ0.htmlLove Cx

Have you followed me on twitter or sina yet? If not - then what are you waiting for? Let's get in contact!

http://www.twitter.com/celinajade http://t.sina.com/celinajade |大家好﹗

很久沒寫網誌了     我知道的﹐請原諒我吧。。。     自 從我拍完"Man With The Iron Fist"之後﹐我和何潤東一直在拍攝網劇“星願同行”。我們到世界各地拍攝﹐一切都是從法國巴黎開始。為了避免透劇情和跟大家猜下一集到了哪裡拍攝的比 賽﹐我不太方便透露我們在巴黎之後到了哪裡拍攝。 那即是說在那一集播出之前﹐我不能夠在我的網誌寫出我在當地所發生的事。

不過這套劇的預告片在這裡可以觀看。   大家慢慢欣賞吧﹗

http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjQ5MTc5OTQ0.htmlLove Cx


http://www.twitter.com/celinajade http://t.sina.com/celinajade|大家好﹗

很久没写网志了     我知道的﹐请原谅我吧。。。     自从我拍完"Man With The Iron Fist"之后﹐我和何润东一直在拍摄网剧“星愿同行”。我们到世界各地拍摄﹐一切都是从法国巴黎开始。为了避免透剧情和跟大家猜下一集到了哪裡拍摄的比赛﹐我不太方便透露我们在巴黎之后到了哪裡拍摄。 那即是说在那一集播出之前﹐我不能够在我的网志写出我在当地所发生的事。

不过这套剧的预告片在这裡可以观看。   大家慢慢欣赏吧﹗

http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjQ5MTc5OTQ0.htmlLove Cx


http://www.twitter.com/celinajade http://t.sina.com/celinajade

over 13 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sweet!! looks like an awesome opportunity (hope you got some time to enjoy the scenery in all these locations!)
over 13 years ago
Img 9226
looking Cosmo/Elle cover here!
over 13 years ago
Photo 61114
Nice! looking forward to it! And I've also been guilty of not blogging =P
over 13 years ago


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