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Bey Logan
Producer , Screenwriter , Sports
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Time Out, Bey In


Plugging the book of the movie of the book of 'Blood Bond : Shadowguard'....

I was really flattered to be the subject of a full page feature in this week's Hong Kong Time Out. Apart from AnD, I don't really do a lot of press, but thought I should accept Patrick Brzeski's enquiry and talk up the book, and our B&E movie projects. I was even mentioned on the cover (which must be the definition of a slow news week...)

So, all of you AnD-ers out there, don't delay, go bu...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Shadowguard hits theatres!


B&E 2011 : On and upward!

With our wonderful family and fun filled holidays over, I return to our production grindstone with renewed energy.

As you may have seen, our first foray into 3D animation, working with the fantabulous Charlie Wong and Tony Tang at T-Films, was in Hong Kong cinem...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Kamikaze Twins Christmas Show


Calvin and Kyle Logan debut their superhero art exhibition.

Despite my best efforts, I don'...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Christmas with The Logans (part one)


Disney, birthday, Muppets, martial arts and Blood Bond on the shelves! 

Christmas is many times much more fun if you have kids and a large and lively extended family. This year has been super fun as ever in Loganland.

Late December sees the long suffering Elizabeth's birthday, ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Unleashing Little Gobie


Premiere of our rocking reindeer flick...

I finally made a film that my kids  should watch, as opposed to the ones they normally do... (Like 'Kick Ass' and 'Predators'). 'Little Gobie' is a 3D animated film (in theatres as I write!) is a morality tale of reindeer's quest to ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Round up of rogues and rebels


The cutting edge of the extended Lofan clan...

Its been quite a couple of weeks in terms of films and fun, friends and family. I was really happy to reconnect with my old buddy, Richard Sun, the very good bad guy from 'Gen-Y Cops'. Richard is based in Taiwan, where he works as an ac...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Thunder on the docks


Hung Kuen at Pier 7

I've always felt it was a shame that none of the major Hong kong gym chains offer any kind of kung fu programme. We're in the birthplace of Wu Shu, for *&^%'s sake! They have Capoei...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Way of Bey fills Philia


A fun e vening of movies and memories...

I guess it must be the definition of  a slow night in the big city, but we did manage to (pretty much) pack Philia on a Tuesday evening for the first of the Way of Bey shows.  It was the first such show I've ever done, combi...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

The Blood Bond - My first novel!


This ripping yarn now available in print and download versions...  

'The Blood Bond' novel started life when director Michael Biehn wanted to rewrite our original script for the film of the same name. The first version of the story was set in Thailand, and had more of a fantasy a...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Halloween 2010 - Logans on the loose


Venom meets Jason meets The Wolfman meets... a chick in a schoolgirl outfit???

If I didn't have kids, Halloween would be a complete bust for me. I mean, what's the point? A night of the year to workship evil? I work in the film industry, I face evil every day. If I...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
April 8, 2008