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Accepting the Award and Interview 接受頒獎和采訪 | 接受颁奖和采访



Above is a link to the interview I did with Lovehkfilm.com.  They present the most underated award to me on the same day.  Check out the interviews.

上面的鏈接是我接受 Lovehkfilm.com采訪的報道,他們當天頒了 ”最被低估的演員 ”獎給我,裏面有采訪內容。

|上面的链接是我接受 Lovehkfilm.com采访的报道,他们当天颁了 ”最被低估的演员 ”奖给我,里面有采访内容。

Andrew...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  20 评论s  0 shares

ski trip in NiseKo Sapporo|在扎幌二世谷的滑雪旅行


       I  went ski and snowboarding with Daniel and some friends in Sapporo Japan last month for a week.  There were total of 6 people in our teamo Extremo.  it was fun!!! 

      Every night after skiing was Onsen (hot springs bath), Great dinner afterwards,  And definetly some alchol consumption.

      It was my first time snowboarding.  I've been skiing since I was a kid, so I decided to take up snowboarding and try something new.   But I did went back to ski for few days, so I can st...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares


hello boys and girls

    First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to our new site. After months and months of hard work it is finally done.  I would like to thank our behind the scene Alive team, Patrick, stephen, mark and boon for working their asses off trying to get the site done before our performance for the HK academy award,  So we can publish the event on the website.  They did an awesome job didn't they? I love it.  Thanks guys.

   Wow, so ma...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

12th Annual LoveHKFilm Awards | 第十二届年度「最愛香港」電影獎

hello all

A friend had send me this link, found out our film The Heavenily Kings" got selected as the Top the Movie of the Year" and I got the Most Underrated Performance. Well, even though this award doesn't mean anything. But it is good to know more people recognizing our work. Andrew 12th Annual LoveHKFilm Awards Criteria for Award Selection *these awards are in no way official or even remotely worthy of serious consideration. If you find yourself incensed by the content below, please ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Working In China . . . | 在中國拍電視劇 . . .

I am in Heng Dian,(横店) China doing a TV series called《聊斋》,聊斋奇女子. The cast in this episode is 。潘粤明,刘晓洁. I'd play a badie again, But I like this role alot. This character is very extreme, I love the potential for me to develope the character like something people never seen me before. Hopefully, it will be refreshing for all of you to see me playing a villian again. I will be here till end o...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Merry christmas!!!! | 聖誕快樂!!!

Hi friends

Merry christmas to everyone and happy new year.





接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Winner blogging again | 大贏家又上網「八」了!

hello everyone

I've been busy working on my own Art project and negotiating some TV series for next year. Also thinking about getting my self a station in Beijing too. I will be spending alots of time in China in the upcomings years. Most project are happening up in China, Hong Kong is kind of dead now. So eventually, Artist will be working in china along with China productions and crews.

As for Alive, the band is over, we will not sing in public anymore, except for our last show in Taiwan next month. ...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Trip to Tokyo from a WINNER | 勝利者的東京之旅

howdy mighty fanncy

Just came back from tokyo 2 night ago. Whew... what a trip. we were there for 7 days. 4 days of filming, 1 day for Tokyo film festival, and 1 day off for shopping. All I can say is I have never been so tired on a trip before. I was so exhuasted. I need a full day yesterday to recover from the trip. We were there doing a 5 minutes short film for cruiser(a drink). The...Read more

大约 18 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Website Hacked.. | 網站亂了套…

Hello everyone After my vacation in LA, I found myself couldn't log in to our website anymore, I've talked to Terence, and he said someone had hacked our website, That was when the site was not working for a few days. After that, I still couldn't log in. I've also read a few messages regarding someone was using our names with a ,or. behind it to log in. I believe they are the same people. B...Read more

18 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Here I am( Los Angeles) | 我在這兒(洛杉磯)

hello people

Sorry for not blogging for so long, Just nothing interesting happening in my life to tell at this moment. But I do come in almost everyday though. Well, I am back In the US too, got in 2 days ago. I am here to visit my family. It has been almost 2 years since I was back In LA. It is nice to see the families again, and especially the Sunshine in California, where we don't get it too often in Hong Kong. It is hot but dry, just the way I like it.

I will be here till the 15th of June and leav...Read more

18 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007