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Few more photoshop paintings | 更多photoshop及繪畫作品|更多photoshop及绘画作品|フォトショップで描いた、その他の作品

Here are some more Photo shop drawing and one painting.   Enjoy!!

The painting above is about a famous gun fight in American history. On 1881 Oct.26.  Wyatt Earp, a famous US Marshall in TombStone city, along with his two brothers Virgil, Morgan Earp and the Famous Doc Holiday.  Escalating tensions with a rustler gang called the COW -BOYS. ...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  81 评论s  0 shares

About the pregnant blog, a Must see. | 有關"懷孕"博客,一定要看

Ha ...Ha....April fools....

.........Like rottendoubt was saying, a few hand picked artist was assigned  to do

a April fool blog. How was mine?  good huh?  But, seriously thinking about it though.

might blog it again for real next year.  I know,  No one will trust me again next time. | 哈…哈…4月愚人节….

……如rottendoubt所说,部分艺术家被指派发表愚人节博客。我做得怎么样? 还不错吧? 但我认真考虑了一下,明年可能会写一篇这样的真博客。我知道,下次没有人再相信我了。 Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  61 评论s  0 shares

What a pleasant surprise.. wife pregnant | 多好的驚喜…老婆懷孕了

The day before yesterday,  my wife did a pregnacy test!!   We got It!!!  We having been trying for awhile, but nothing.  People told me the first one is always harder.  Whew, it has been months.  At first I thought she was lying cause of the April fools and all..   

Oh man!!  what should I do?  I am so nervous.  seriously, I am not ready for this yet. I mean (emotionally).  But I am very happy though.  I am becoming a father.  

yesterday, we did...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  100 评论s  0 shares

Keep Walkin People.... | 繼續前行…| 继续前行…

   Remember my blog last year about the Johnnie Walker commercial I did with conroy in Shanghai??       Well, it is out all over in Asia.  I saw it in Taiwan last week and this week in Hong Kong.  They are airing them like crazy.  Basically every time minutes you see it.  People in taiwan actually walk up to me and said "Keep Walking".  Let see if they will do that in Hong Kong.

|還記得我去年寫的在上海與子聰拍攝Johnnie Walker廣告的那篇博客嗎??

這支廣告現正在全亞洲熱播。上周我在臺灣看到,這周在香港也看到了。...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  41 评论s  0 shares

my first photoshop artwork | 我第一個Photoshop作品| 我第一个Photoshop作品


     Last week we had a private lesson from from the Comic Master "Pat Lee" on photoshop.  I've been wanting to learn how to draw using photoshop, utilize the different tool bars on the side, It is not easy as you think,  you really have to be creative using different tools to get different result. 

    After the informative lesson,  I had to try something on my own.  I need to practice so I pick up Photoshop ASAP.  Plus Pat is willing to sacrafice 2 hours of h...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  53 评论s  0 shares

My first Mural painting... | 我的首次壁畫作品…

Hehe......  This is what I did to my sister's wall.

        | 呵呵……這是我在妹妹家墻上畫的。|呵呵……这是我在妹妹家墙上画的。

Go to Rosanne's blog to see more pics.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  62 评论s  0 shares

trip to Hokkaido 2008 | 2008北海道之旅| 2008北海道之旅


  I just came back from Hokkaido Japan for snowboarding with a few AnD crew.  it was awesome!!  I love everything there, the snow, food, onsen.  I highly recommended  it to anyone who lives in Asia for some good skiing and vacation.

Here is the whole crew in our lodge having breakfast

        | 大家好,

剛跟一些AnD夥伴從日本北海道滑雪回來,真棒!! 我喜歡那兒的一切,雪、食物、溫泉。極力推薦在亞洲居住的各位朋友到那兒享受美好的滑雪和假期。 這次旅行的所有同伴在住處吃早餐

| 大家好,

刚跟一些AnD伙伴从日本北海道滑雪回来,真棒!! 我喜欢那儿的一切,雪、食物、温泉。极力推荐在亚洲居住的...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  82 评论s  0 shares

Happy Chinese new year | 新春愉快|新春愉快

Hello all

   Wish everyone have a Happy Chinese New Year!!


大家好 祝願各位新春快樂!


| やあ、皆


I will be eating alots of 鮑魚and 臘腸during CNY

16 年多 前 0 赞s  48 评论s  0 shares

more gruesome pictures from thai film | 泰國電影更多可怖照片|泰国电影更多可怖照片


I am back in Hong Kong. Here are more nasty pictures on set in thailand. Hopefully these pictures will help your appetite.  Feel the urge eating a pizza suddenly?

make-up crew doing the last touch ups before camera rolls|大家好,




我回香港了,这些是在泰国拍的电影更多剧照,希望它们让你胃口好。是不是忽然很想吃批萨?化妆师在开拍前做最后的调整 |「タイ映画での、さらにおぞましい写真」

やあ。香港に帰ってきたよ。今回は、タイの撮影現場で撮ったもっとすごい写真をアップするね。この写真を見て君達の食欲がわくといいんだけど。思わず、...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  55 评论s  0 shares

I was in a car accident.... | 遭遇車禍…|遭遇车祸…

for my latest film project...

This is my third time in thailand, but first time for work.   I was in phuket few years ago, a week before the Tsunami..   The second time was 2 years ago in bankok for vacation, and now here again for work.

This project  is a Thai film.  The director is "Ekkachai Uekrongtham" who directed project like "Beautiful Boxer" and etc.  A very friendly and talented man. I...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  70 评论s  0 shares


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007