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SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT....... | 有些事情需要考慮…… | 有些事情需要考虑……

           Besides my busy filming schedules,  I manage to catch 20 minutes of news here in Song jiang every night.   Updating on the news on sichuan earthquake.    There are many different foundations for public to donate money.  And the amount raised within a week is incredible.  Although I know many of the foundations are legitimate, like  Red Cross, ONE foundation and Alive not Dead.  And I truly believe the money we donated will be spend smartly by the foundations or the government.   

           I really hope all the donations will end up in the hands of the people who had lost their homes, land, and wounded.   Even the children who had lost their families.   I think the amount of donations they have right now is enough to rebuild and help establish a new life for the sichuan locals.   But the one question that I have is,  the ones that had lost their homes and land,  will the donations money help them re-establish their homes and land?  or the money will only help them at the beginnig?  meaning the government will build them a new home at first for free.  but years later, they will have to pay mortgage?   I truly doubt they will get a full refund for their lost.  So where are they going to spend the rest of the donations?  mmmm..........  Although I donate through foundations too,  But if I can, I rather go in there and give the money to them face to face. ........... that is just my thoughts.

Ok,  here is something light for all of you, and the people in sichuan.  (  new pictures from the set)


   | 在松江繁忙的拍攝日程中,每晚我終於找到20分鐘看新聞,關註四川地震最新消息。有很多慈善基金會接收公眾捐款,一周以來捐款數量驚人。我知道許多基金會是合法機構,比如紅十字會、壹基金和Alive not Dead,我也確信我們捐的錢會被基金會或政府有效使用。


| 在松江繁忙的拍摄日程中,每晚我终于找到20分钟看新闻,关注四川地震最新消息。有很多慈善基金会接收公众捐款,一周以来捐款数量惊人。我知道许多基金会是合法机构,比如红十字会、壹基金和Alive not Dead,我也确信我们捐的钱会被基金会或政府有效使用。



多忙な撮影スケジュールをこなしながらも、毎晩松江で20分のニュースを何とか見逃さないようにしてるよ。四川地震に関する 最新情報をね。国民が寄付するための様々な基金があって、1週間も経たないうちに信じられない額の義捐金が寄せられているんだ ね。僕は多くの基金が赤十字、そしてONE foundationやalivenotdeadのような正規の団体だってことを知ってるし、僕らの義捐金をそうい う支援団体や国が利口に使ってくれるって心から信じているよ。 

全ての義捐金が、家や住むところを失くしたり、傷ついた人達 、そして家族を失った子供達の手に渡ることを僕は切望している 。寄せられた義捐金の現在の額は、被災地を復興したり四川市民が新 生活を確立するのに十分役立つと思うんだ。でも1つ聞きたいことがあるんだけど、家や住むところを失くした人達に関 して、義捐金はそれらを復興するのに役立てられるのかな ?それとも、義捐金は彼らにとって単に初めだけの手助けにしかなら ないのかな?つまり、国がまず無料で新しい家を建てるけど 、彼らは何年かしたらローンを支払わなきゃいけなくなるのかなって ことだよ。彼らの失った全てが弁償されるのか本当に疑問に思うんだ 。それに、残った義捐金は一体どこでどう使われるんだろう?う ~ん…。僕も基金を通じて寄付するけど、どっちかって言うとできれ ばそこへ赴いて彼らに直接渡した方がいいと思うな。 …これはあくまで僕個人としての考えだけどね。 

じゃあ、皆や四川の人達のためにちょっとしたものを載せておくよ (撮影中のドラマの写真だよ)。

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  51 评论s  0 shares
Photo 23632
i agree andrew! i can't help but be skeptical sometimes. with admin fees, etc, sometimes not a lot go down. but the situation in burma is much worse... so, for this instance, actually my friend's home town is right around dujiangyuan, and it was totally obliterated. (she is luckily alive) so, i wired her my donation and i just trusted her to help her friends and neighbours there.
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow nice set...
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i hope anything they use the money on is made much better than the buildings they are replacing... same problem with Hurricane Katrina, if you just rebuild the same as the last time, it'll just happen again.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 22991
Nice thots and nice photos. Yeps sometimes i dunno which organization is trustworthy as in do the money really go to the victims completely or they keep a share?
接近 16 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
You can research charities through the web. I know there have been reports done on what percentage of donations are sent directly as aid and how much is eaten up in admin costs. I am not sure if this information exists for Asian charities. I am only aware of hearing reports on this for US charities. I expect if you google on this topic, you will find whatever info is currently out there. The percentage of donation that goes to direct aid can range from only a few percent to almost all of it. If this concerns you, it is worth researching.
接近 16 年 ago
u are right ... we shouldn't just give the money to the govt.
接近 16 年 ago
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
There are already quite some concerns about how the money will be spent. I have read on newspaper that some people are questioning the use of the donation by red cross in china and request red cross and other charities to disclose the distribution of the funds... just like you, i think many people who donate (including me) wanna make sure the money actually helps the victims, so let's hope the money will be spent wisely by the government and/or the charities..
接近 16 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
JRS--if you want the service, you have to have some people on salary. Even if most of your workers are volunteers, you have to have some trained people to organize the volunteers. You have to have some place to store the donations before they are shipped out. I have no trouble knowing that a reasonable portion of my donation goes to support infrastructure--phones, office space, web site, bank accounts, staff, etc. Where I do have a problem is hearing that top officials of a charity make exorbitant salaries (for you can be sure no one else in the organization makes more than a pittance), that an organization has a very large budget for advertising or that they contract out their fund raising to a third party at great cost. Those are not charities that I feel are prudently using their donors' money and I have no qualms avoiding them. But there are plenty of responsible charities run by good people who are wise stewards of the donations they receive. Look around, there are many such organizations that could use your donation to help others now, and as the rebuilding continues for years to come.
接近 16 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007