Mark Allen
导演, 编剧, 作曲家
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I sometimes marvel at architecture because it seems so permanent.  I am fascinated by stone and metal sculptures for the same reason.  They have a permanence.  Eventhough over time they will fall if not maintained, they last in their true form for millennia or longer.

But movies - they are so technology dependent.  Even in 20 years the movie will not be experienced in the same format it was created.  The technology will have changed so much that the references will be outdated and the full impact unable to reach in it's original form.  In 100 years it would only be watchable by film enthusiasts, archivists and researchers. 

So I have been wondering - why make something that won't last?

After thinking on it for a while I came to the conclusion that it is the same reason you hold the hand of someone with whom you're falling in love.  The same reason you pur your arms around a friend who lost a loved one.  The same reason you tell a joke.

It's because this moment has value and these are really the only moments we will actually ever know.

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45002
so very true!
大约 15 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Film is popular art (with a few exceptions). It is part of the fabric of people's lives in the moment. It defines generations and social groups who have watched and connected with the same films. Because it is so intensely of its time and is interwoven with the lives of its audience, film is different from fine art. A lot of fine art is apart from and even ahead of its time. The artist often intends this distance from the quotidian and it can give much fine art a timeless aspect that does endure through time. But in the past century, a lot of fine art has adopted the immediacy and similar popular aspects as film. For many fine artists, it is more important to be of their time than to be outside of it. The nature of art has been changing and I think one might say that movies, television and the other new media of the 20th century have had a lot to do with that. Food for thought.
大约 15 年 ago
i guess thats very true. At many times we do things that aren't ''worth it'' yet you do it anyways... may it be love, or enthusiasm or passion.. whoever cares about things to last forever. Live for today!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 73139
hmmm.... It really ain't so bad considering how performance art "disappears" almost instantaneously.
大约 15 年 ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
Long time no see. How are you? I am doing alright so far. Just wanna tell you that I love your video, fallen. it's shot with grace but also a lot of passion. I can tell. Love it.
接近 15 年 ago



Los Angeles, United States
April 13, 2007