Official Artist
vince matthew chung
Actor , MC / Show Host , Comedian
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Episode 4

We live another week …  HK HK HK

 Fly to Taipei Taiwan

Taiwan here we come….. ohh baby I LOVE TAIWAN…. “ Hao Bung”   Wo Ai Tai Mei …..hahaha… all teams flew to Taiwan on the same flight from Hue.  It was a long journey because we had to connect via Ho Chi Minh.  When we got there we had to drive ourselves to look for the clue at the Red Pavilion.  I drove because I’m used to driving on the left hand side anyway originally being from Canada and all... The roads were confusing but luckily Sam knew how to speak Mandarin so if we got lost we could ask for directions..Detour

The clue at the Red Pavilion was a detour.  Shoot or Shape   We decided to “shoot” because we didn’t know how difficult the Tangrams puzzle was going to be and the  market was quite far.  We got lost on the way to the miniature museum… even though Sam spoke Mandarin… the roads and VERY confusing… and not easy to navigate.  When we finally got there we had no idea what we had to look for.  We had to look for “IT” and that was frustrating.  We decided to team up with  Geoff and Tish and Oliver and Mai to look for the clue. We were all searching back and forth many times.  We were there for hours  … and none of us could find it. 

After awhile … Mai and Oliver told us that they were going to try the other task…. But little did we know that they actually found it and then … took off…. GRRRR….  

We were actually going to  quit too but we continued to search around the whole place when suddenly I hear.. “ AHHHH”  and with that all the teams converged like Bees to Honey and found IT… Sam was tired and frustrated and when he saw the clue he just reacted… AIYA… We had been there so long but all the teams caught up with us…

School for the Blind  

When we printed out the clue and it told us to go to the School for the Blind to translate a  phrase using Braille.  In the car Sam was upset with himself because he had given away the clue to the others but I told him to shake it off.  I had made a similar mistake the leg before so I knew how he was feeling.  No one wants to let their team down… we’ll just have to learn from our mistakes. We got lost on the way to the School for the Blind and by the time that we got there Mai and Oliver and Tania and Ida had left.  Bernie and Henry were working away at their task but  were having communcation problems.  We worked very fast and we were able to translate the message quickly.  As an added honour we presented the school with a cheque from Standard Charter Bank

Stinky Tofu

Our clue directed us to go to the  old street in another district Shen-keng in Taiwan… it was quite late and we had not eaten so we grabbed some food from good ol’ 7-11 … man … do they have quite a cool selection of bites in Taiwan….When we got there the clue said “ Who NOSE a good challenge when they smell one……”  I decided to do it because I thought that I have quite a good sense of smell… but little know that I would have to FINISH A HUGE BOWL OF STINKY TOFU  WITH ALL THE FIXINGS AND THE SOUP…. I had just eaten too... AIYA

Yes it was stinky, the soup was vinegary and there was a lot of it.  Ida was crying while eating and Oliver was having trouble too… I didn’t like it but I just toughed it out and ate as fast as I could. 

I had to plug my ears because both of them were barfing and the sounds were making me want to barf.   I finished the bowl quickly but Ida and Oliver started much earlier and had finished before me. Pit Stop

Our next clue directed us to the pit stop at City Hall.  We got into our car and peeled outta there… but again we got lost.  Sam wanted pay a taxi to escort us but I wanted to save money and work through it because we were able to communicate with the local people.  However we missed our exits a few times and had to double back and forth again.  We ended up stopping at a petrol station and convinced this dude to accompany us and direct us to the right spot.

  We gave him money to take a taxi back.  We parked the car at the designated place and searched the square for Alan.  

We were very surprised when we placed 2nd because we had circled around lost for at least an hour and there were at least two teams that had left the tofu place before us.TEAM HK 2nd place …  tune in to AXN next Thursday to see what happens next!!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
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good job! Almost first!
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
omg congrats!
over 16 years ago
over 16 years ago


everything tastes good when it's deep fried... Check it out...my next project! www.cbfresh.com .... HAHAHA... !!!! VMC

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April 30, 2008