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Van Ness Wu
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Straight off the press...from Animax!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sorAI743cWY

I've been a major anime fan since I was a kid. I stayed home all summer renting VHS tapes from Tower Records. Today...I'm doing the voice over for LaMB. A new animation coming out March 24th....do i have to say it again people....GOD IS GOOOOOOD!!!! He knows all our deepest desires in our hearts. The good and the bad...and when we are faithful, obedient, and put Him first. Give all glory to Him...sigh*.....do i have to say it again people....GOD IS GOOOD!!! Even when it's bad.....it's still......Oh sooo~ Good~~~

Had a blast! They mixed it up with all types of animation including 3D.

Great meeting you guys. Greg thanks for dinner, Tracy, Audrey…till next time:)

God bless.

                                                                    |                       新聞報導....來自Animax!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sorAI743cWY

我自小就是漫畫的超級粉絲。整個夏天我都待在家裡, 看從 Tower Records 租的錄影帶。今天...我為《LaMB禁錮天使》配音。這部動畫片即將於3月24日上映....我需要再重複一次嗎....上帝真好!!!! 他了解我們心中最深處的渴望,包括好的、壞的...以及當我們忠實、順從、將他排在第一位,給他所有的光榮...唉*....我需要再重複一次嗎.....上帝真好!!! 就算當時情勢不好....仍舊.....非常~ 好~~~

很好玩! 他們融合了各種不同的動畫技巧,包括3D。非常開心認識你們。Greg,多謝你的晚餐,Tracy、Audrey....下次再會:)


                                            |                       新闻报导....来自Animax!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sorAI743cWY

我自小就是漫画的超级粉丝。整个夏天我都待在家里, 看从 Tower Records 租的录影带。今天...我为《LaMB禁锢天使》配音。这部动画片即将于3月24日上映....我需要再重复一次吗....上帝真好!!!! 他了解我们心中最深处的渴望,包括好的、坏的...以及当我们忠实、顺从、将他排在第一位,给他所有的光荣...唉*....我需要再重复一次吗.....上帝真好!!! 就算当时情势不好....仍旧.....非常~ 好~~~

很好玩! 他们融合了各种不同的动画技巧,包括3D。非常开心认识你们。Greg,多谢你的晚餐,Tracy、Audrey....下次再会:)



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sorAI743cWY

ガキのころからずっと すごいアニメファンだったんだ。タワレコからビデオ借りてきて夏はずっとうちですごしてた。 今じゃ・・・・LaMBの声をやってる。新しいアニメが3月24日に公開になるよ。みんなにも一度言わせてもらうけど・・・・ 神様ってすばらしいいいいいいよ!!!!!彼は僕らのどんな深い心の奥底の願いでもお見通しさ。よいことも悪い事でも・・・そして僕らが誠実で従順でい て、そして彼のことをまず第一に考えるなら・・・ため息・・・も一回言わせてもらうけど・・・神様はすばらしいいいい!!!悪い時でさえも・・・ま だ・・・・す~ばらしいんだ~~~




about 15 years ago 0 likes  73 comments  0 shares
Sarahlian 2
Sounds great! We've got an Animax station out here in Malaysia so maybe i'll be able to check out the series. I hear you on the "God is Good part" I've said it so many times and I'm so thankful that I'm able to count my blessings!
about 15 years ago
Photo 319485
That is wonderful!! I'm an Anime Fans as well. Congratz on your success. Yes. Most definitely, God is Good! ~Shairah~
about 15 years ago
Photo 261052
Congrats man!! Cool stuff!! Looking forward for it! Cheers, Michael
about 15 years ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
That's great your r enjoy that! Recently, a animation call "RideBack" also good!! Check it out!
about 15 years ago
Img 3643
about 15 years ago



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