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The Boat, The Rain, And Light In A Rainy Day 下雨天的船、雨和快樂 | 下雨天的船、雨和快乐

We celebrated JT and Raffi's birthday yesterday on a boat trip to Sai Kung.  Patrick, Stephen, Boon, some friends from the States, a nice group of people chillin', swimming, and enjoying the waters of Sai Kung despite the rainny weather. 

The waters around Sai Kung are very beautiful.  The rain and clouds give the green coastline a misty haze that is both moody and soothing.  I barely made it out to the boat trip yesterday.  They are days when it is just difficult to get out of the house and all I can say is I am very glad I did.  

After the boat trip, we decided to have an early dinner at a restaurant near the Sai Kung pier.  The row of restaurants at the Sai Kung pier is famous for H.K style seafood and it was the perfect place to show our friends from the States a little piece of local flavor. 

Relaxed a bit after dinner, then the gang went out for a night of trash-talkin' and drinking.  It's funny how the 2 always go so well together.   All in all it was a wonderful day and one that almost didn't happen for me if I didn't get out of the house in the early afternoon. 

It's Sunday afternoon now.  I am sitting in my apartment with the blinds closed since the weather is even more gloomy today.  I am feeling good despite the slight haze in my head.  Thank God it was only vodka last night!  I have 2 thoughts. 

Sometimes a little effort and your friends can help take the gloom out of bad weather. 

Mabel and the gang better be prepared for round 2 when they come back to H.K next weekend!

I hope you all will enjoy this gloomy lazy Sunday as much as I will!

昨天在去西貢的船上我們幫 JT和 Raffi慶祝生日。有 Patrick、 Stephen、 Boon和一些美國來的朋友,我們一群人玩樂、游泳,開心地享受西貢的河水,不管下雨的壞天氣。




現在已經是周日下午了,我在公寓坐著幾乎看不見,今天天氣更陰郁黑暗了。腦袋還有點暈乎,但我感覺不錯。感謝上帝昨晚隻喝了伏特加!我喝了 2支。




|昨天在去西贡的船上我们帮 JT和 Raffi庆祝生日。有 Patrick、 Stephen、 Boon和一些美国来的朋友,我们一群人玩乐、游泳,开心地享受西贡的河水,不管下雨的坏天气。

西贡周围的水非常美丽。雨和云连在一起,给海岸线笼罩了一层绿色的轻雾,忧郁但给人慰藉。昨天的旅程我都没出过船舱,下雨让人很难走出屋子,但我想说昨天过得真愉快。 [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

[endif]下船后,我们决定就近到西贡码头附近的一个餐厅提前用晚餐。西贡码头附近的一排餐厅以港式海鲜闻名,也是让我们的美国朋友享受本地风味的好地方。 晚餐后休息了一会,一群人就开始出发找地方闲聊喝酒了。很有趣,为什么闲聊和喝酒总是形影不离。真是很棒的一天,还好我下午很早就跟大伙一块儿出来了。 现在已经是周日下午了,我在公寓坐着几乎看不见,今天天气更阴郁黑暗了。脑袋还有点晕乎,但我感觉不错。感谢上帝昨晚只喝了伏特加!我喝了 2支。 有时朋友能带你离开坏天气的阴霾。 Mabel和朋友们下周末回香港时,要做好第二轮的准备哦! 希望你们也和我一样如此享受阴郁而懒惰的周日!

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  45 评论s  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
sounds like you had a chilled weekend....i was in sai kung a few weeks ago.. in daylight and realised how cool it had become.. there used to be so little there.. its good to get the serious time to hang with your friends... we all don't do it enough..
接近 17 年 ago
Img 3929
Miss partying with you Terence! And it's no surprise that it takes you a BIG kick to get your butt out of bed! Luv ya man!
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
December 15, 2006