演员, 歌手
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Long Overdue|延誤太久|延误太久|遅れる

I didn't realize until today how long it has been since I have written a blog on AnD.  So many things have happened in the last few months and I have been very focused on some work behind-the-scenes at AnD and also my own artist work. I haven't felt very expressive lately, but will try to be more active with my blog in the coming weeks. 

For the last 6 weeks or so, I have been rehearsing for a play.  Some of you may have seen the events listing for it.  The play is called The Golden Cangue, adapted by Wang An Yi from the Eileen Chang novel.  Ann Hui is the director and Perry Chiu plays the character Chi-Qiao, arguably one of Eileen Chang's most memorable characters. 

The rehearsal process is very intense.  We rehearse 6 days a week, 4-5 hours a day.  It was very challenging for me at first, since this is my first time working on a full-scale play production.  Acting on stage can be very different from working on film, so it took some time for me to get used to moving on the stage, being more expressive with my body language, etc.  Once I was able to get used to the differences, I started having lots of fun working with the director and the other actors.  It has been a great experience working with Ann, Perry, and the entire cast and crew because everyone is passionate and we are all working together to create the best play we can. 

We had our Opening Night last night and things went very well!  It was special to see how all the work we all had put into this play comes together when we finally perform to an audience.  We have 13 more shows to do in the next 2 weeks, so this is just the beginning.  I know I am really going to enjoy the remaining shows and will continue to focus and work hard! 

That's it for now! 


                                                                                |直到今天我才意識到距離上次在 AnD 寫博客的時間已經過去很久。最近幾個月發生了太多事,我一直專註於 AnD 的一些幕後工作及自己的演藝事業。最近我覺得自己很不活潑,接下來幾周我會盡力活躍一些,多寫博客。



昨晚是我們的首演,一切非常順利! 終於能向觀眾們呈現我們為這部劇所付出的所有努力,感覺很特別。接下來兩周我們還有13場演出,大幕才剛拉開。我知道我會享受接下來的演出,而且會繼續專註與努力!



                    |直到今天我才意识到距离上次在 AnD 写博客的时间已经过去很久。最近几个月发生了太多事,我一直专注于 AnD 的一些幕后工作及自己的演艺事业。最近我觉得自己很不活泼,接下来几周我会尽力活跃一些,多写博客。



昨晚是我们的首演,一切非常顺利! 终于能向观众们呈现我们为这部剧所付出的所有努力,感觉很特别。接下来两周我们还有13场演出,大幕才刚拉开。我知道我会享受接下来的演出,而且会继续专注与努力!





ここ6週間、僕は舞台のリハーサルをしている。君たちのうち何人かは、イベントリストでそれを見たかもしれない。舞台は「The Golden Cangue」という、Wang An Yiによって Eileen Changの小説から採用されたもので、ディレクターはAnn Hui、Perry ChiuはChi-Qiao、Eileen Changの最も忘れられないキャラクターを演じます。


リハーサルの過程は非常に厳しい。週6日、1日4-5時間のリハーサルをしています。僕にとって、初めてのフルスケールの舞台だったので、始めとてもやりがいがありました。舞台での演技は、映画での演技と非常に異なる場合があり、ボディランゲージを使ったりする舞台での演技に慣れるまで少し時間がかかりました。いったんその意外に慣れてしまうと、ディレクターや他の俳優たちと働くのは楽しくなってきた。Ann Perryや他のキャスト、クルーたちは皆、情熱的で、僕達ができる最高の舞台を実現するために一緒に働くのは素晴らしい体験だ。






大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  32 评论s  0 shares
Photo 80446
im so stoked for u, and still very proud! i wish u the best for your future shows and endeavors hehe
大约 15 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Congrats on a good opening night and looking forward to seeing the play.
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 55108
good luck with the play T!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 247143
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 33405
Hey, I'm glad we got the chance to see you in the play. It was fantastic, very intense... excellent job! It really tested my Chinese comprehension skills though, but Iuckily I was able to understand most of the diaglogue! haha
大约 15 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Great play and great performance. I hope to see more plays and support the theater in HK. Amazing talented people up on that stage and hope more people will come to appreciate it.
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 75639
Hey T , i love the play very much, and lets catch up soon again this week when u have time ...love ...sis
大约 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
December 15, 2006