Skot Suyama
音乐监製, 音乐家
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Everybody Budokan!!!|各位觀眾,武道館!!!|各位观众,武道馆!!!

Ok.. So today we played at the infamous Budokan.. The Stadium in Tokyo that gives you status. And my boy Terry Tye Lee stated why in his blog. Budokan Stadium has a priceless history. The very first concert to be had here was The Beatles. And there were lots of protests outside because some people didn't want some Foriegn Rock'N'Rollers rockin out on sacred ground... Oh.. By the way, the Budokan is literally right next to the Imperial Palace. So.. Protests Vs. Rock'n'Roll.. And Rock ended up winning. And The Beatles went on. It's also the only place that the Beatles played in Asia. So hella status...

One of the earliest soundchecks I've had.. 10am.. Hella Loud, Hella Rock, Hella early.. The best way to wake up.

This is from the big screen that hangs above us..

Center Stage!!! If only we had an audience for this pic...

Backstage right before the show

After the show, hanging out with one of my favorite bands of all time, Monkey Majik!!! This is the 2nd time I met them, and they remembered me.. It made me realize that it's not impossible to meet your idols.. And hopefully sometime in the future I'll be able to make some Monkey Majik Muzak with them too.. That'd be too awesome!!

Last show in Tokyo tomorrow!!! Hope it's smooth!!!!

|今天我們在出名的武道館表演...這間位於東京、讓人身份提高的體育館。我的夥伴 Terry Tye Lee在他的網誌裏做了解釋,武道館有著無價的歷史。這裡所辦的第一場演唱會的樂團就是 Beatles。當時有許多人在場外示威,因為他們不想讓西洋搖滾樂團在這神聖的場地搖滾...喔...還有,武道館就在 Imperial Palace 隔壁。示威對壘搖滾樂...結果,搖滾勝出。而Beatles 的演出如期舉行。那是 Beatles 在亞洲唯一的演出。所以身份非凡...



中央舞台!!! 如果拍這張照時有觀眾就好了...


演出後與我最喜歡的樂團 Monkey Majik 一起!!! 這是我們第二次碰面,他們都記得我...讓我發現原來跟偶像見面並非不可能... 我也希望有一天能跟他們並肩做音樂...那就太贊了!!

明天是東京最後一場!! 希望一切順利!!!

|今天我们在出名的武道馆表演...这间位于东京、让人身份提高的体育馆。我的伙伴 Terry Tye Lee 在他的网志里做了解释,武道馆有着无价的历史。这里所办的第一场演唱会的乐团就是 Beatles。当时有许多人在场外示威,因为他们不想让西洋摇滚乐团在这神圣的场地摇滚...喔...还有,武道馆就在 Imperial Palace 隔壁。示威对垒摇滚乐...结果,摇滚胜出。而Beatles 的演出如期举行。那是 Beatles 在亚洲唯一的演出。所以身份非凡...



中央舞台!!! 如果拍这张照时有观众就好了...


演出后与我最喜欢的乐团 Monkey Majik 一起!!! 这是我们第二次碰面,他们都记得我...让我发现原来跟偶像见面并非不可能... 我也希望有一天能跟他们并肩做音乐...那就太赞了!!

明天是东京最后一场!! 希望一切顺利!!!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice, thnks for keeping us updated!
15 年多 ago
Photo 96013
last night show was really cool!! hope you're gonna take some rest and have more fun in japan.I'm looking forward to seeing your performance in osaka too^^
15 年多 ago



Taipei, Taiwan
March 16, 2008