Official Artist
Serena Choong
MC / Show Host , DJ
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my 1st shoot as a platinum blonde

Big up to the good ppl @ the MET Kuala Lumpur for puttin up with me (I get bored so easily I change hair almost every month!)

This time's by far the biggest change!

9 hours in the chair gives you... platinum!

Redken's so proud of my hue master Randall that they decided to feature the hair in a mag.

Will get the end pic up when I get it, so here's a sneak peek @ today's shoot:

Serena - pre styled hair

One of the brightest-rising stars when it comes to hairstyling - Alex from the MET.

You MUST look for him - u'd be more than pleased with the result!

Fidgeting in between shots - a little Marilyn moment? ;P

My sleepy eyes - sigh.

Serena making a conscious effort to keep eyes OPEN!

And we're back to sleepy eyes... the creative ppl were trying to decide between these 2.

left - better posture

right - better hair

both - DAMN those eyes!!! OPEN serena OPEN!

And there he is - the best color expert/ hue master in town - Randall!!!

I tweaked the pic a little to give it an antique feel.

Until next time... hey it's almost the weekend!

Have a great one!



almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
not just blonde, but 80s blonde!
almost 16 years ago
cool ...
almost 16 years ago
Sarahlian 2
hey babe, big ups to randall for your awesome colour, its' so hard to go blonde without looking orange or coppery after a while and your platinum turned out fantastic!! HAAAWWTTT
almost 16 years ago
Photo 319485
Lovin' you're profile pic GIrl!! These photos look awesome. Superb Darling, always!! ~Shairah~ check your msgs.
almost 16 years ago


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!

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