After watching King Ly Chee, Shepherds the Weak and The Geeks put on an amazing hardcore show last week I feel energized to push myself even harder in the upcoming recording sessions. It was just so cool to see some great bands tear the place apart! Oh yeah, there's a great compilation out this week of some really great China and Hong Kong bands (King Ly Chee, Qui Hong, and The Lovesong just to name a few) called "KING SIZE CHINA" so if you have time check it out here.
Pharrell Williams at the BBC party. Our deep conversation went something like this:
P: Hey man
R: Hey man, are you doing to do anymore N.E.R.D. albums? I dug the last one.
P: Yeah, next year man!
R: Cool.
| 跟Pharrell Williams在BBC party上。我們的交談: P:嘿R:嘿,你準備再版N.E.R.D.專輯嗎? 我在收集。P:是的,明年!
Zarahn and Kary crossover show! It was really cool watching them collab on a bunch of different songs and hearing the new Zarahn material live.
| Zarahn和Kary的演出!他們把許多首不同風格的歌曲串到一起,還加入了新的Zarahn元素,看到這樣的現場演出很酷。
Goro rockin' out! Whoever did the lighting that night did a good job.
| Goro震撼演出!那晚的燈光師不錯。
Joey and Jerry. It was cool when they changed up a Blink-182 and Linkin Park song. Overall the show was very entertaining and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.
| Joey和Jerry。他們改編了Blink-182和林肯公園的歌曲。整個演出充滿娛樂性,大家都很開心。
Kevin was in the band that night playing Kary's set and dueling drums with Jerry during the opening songs. The new Hardpack is out soon and I can't wait!!
| Kevin昨晚在樂隊裏作Kary的角色,還在開場秀裏跟Jerry鬥鼓。Hardpack的新專輯就要發行,等不及想聽!!
Backstage pre-show testing out the camera stuff...
| 在後臺,演出開始前測試相機…
The next day stopped by to see the fam and play with the dogs. Leroy was thirsty and kept staring at the hose.
| 第二天去看望fam,跟狗狗玩。Leroy很渴,一直盯著水喉。
Now he's a happy camper!
| 現在它開心了!