Official Artist
Ryan Hui
Musician , Singer
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N.E.R.D.s !!!

After watching King Ly Chee, Shepherds the Weak and The Geeks put on an amazing hardcore show last week I feel energized to push myself even harder in the upcoming recording sessions.  It was just so cool to see some great bands tear the place apart!  Oh yeah, there's a great compilation out this week of some really great China and Hong Kong bands (King Ly Chee, Qui Hong, and The Lovesong just to name a few) called "KING SIZE CHINA" so if you have time check it out here



Pharrell Williams at the BBC party.  Our deep conversation went something like this:


P: Hey man

R: Hey man, are you doing to do anymore N.E.R.D. albums?  I dug the last one.

P: Yeah, next year man!

R: Cool.

| 跟Pharrell Williams在BBC party上。我們的交談: P:嘿R:嘿,你準備再版N.E.R.D.專輯嗎? 我在收集。P:是的,明年!


Zarahn and Kary crossover show!  It was really cool watching them collab on a bunch of different songs and hearing the new Zarahn material live. 

|  Zarahn和Kary的演出!他們把許多首不同風格的歌曲串到一起,還加入了新的Zarahn元素,看到這樣的現場演出很酷。

Goro rockin' out!  Whoever did the lighting that night did a good job. |  Goro震撼演出!那晚的燈光師不錯。

Joey and Jerry.  It was cool when they changed up a Blink-182 and Linkin Park song.  Overall the show was very entertaining and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

|  Joey和Jerry。他們改編了Blink-182和林肯公園的歌曲。整個演出充滿娛樂性,大家都很開心。

Kevin was in the band that night playing Kary's set and dueling drums with Jerry during the opening songs.  The new Hardpack is out soon and I can't wait!! |  Kevin昨晚在樂隊裏作Kary的角色,還在開場秀裏跟Jerry鬥鼓。Hardpack的新專輯就要發行,等不及想聽!!

Backstage pre-show testing out the camera stuff... | 在後臺,演出開始前測試相機…

The next day stopped by to see the fam and play with the dogs.  Leroy was thirsty and kept staring at the hose. | 第二天去看望fam,跟狗狗玩。Leroy很渴,一直盯著水喉。

Now he's a happy camper! | 現在它開心了!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Lovely dog..he so cute.........
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i got something crome, and it aint a microphone!
over 17 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Pharrell was just here with Nigo (bathing ape) promoting his/their new clothing line BILLIONAIRES BOYS CLUB. Nigo was the DJ that night and P just hung around. with the ladies just talking On another note, yes Leroy is a boxer. And he is the bestest boxtr==============
over 17 years ago
Photo 23745
Dude it was awesome to see you at the show..... See you in the pit again soon...!!!!!
over 17 years ago
what up homie...sorry that it took me so long to come back to this site!!! hahahaha...thanks so much for coming to the show man...it always gets me stoked to see that dudes like you exist on this planet. people who are just so generous with their time and especially their hearts. you've been a big supporter of us, and myself, for so many years...and every time i see you at our shows, it gives me this weird feeling that it's just going to be a good show :-) you did that for us at Let's Fight! hahahaha...when you stagedived and got your ass photographed that appeared in some lame local mags! hahahaha... thanks for everything bro...we owe you so much! peace, riz
over 17 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007