I hope everyone had a great week and had time to chill during the weekend. Mine was pretty good but the highlight definitely had to be filming the new music video with my good friends Jun Kung and Ah Sing (Star). Its going to be a pretty cool video and I'm sure you guys will dig it and the new tune as well. It should be out mid-december (fingers crossed) so in the meantime thanks for your patience and support this past year.
| 希望各位上周愉快,周末都開心。我的周末很棒,亮點絕對是跟好朋友恭碩良和Ah Sing(明星)拍攝最新MV。是部相當酷的MV,各位一定會喜歡這首新歌及MV。12月中旬發布(祈禱),同時要感謝各位過去一年的耐心和支持。
| 希望各位上周愉快,周末都开心。我的周末很棒,亮点绝对是跟好朋友恭硕良和Ah Sing(明星)拍摄最新MV。是部相当酷的MV,各位一定会喜欢这首新歌及MV。12月中旬发布(祈祷),同时要感谢各位过去一年的耐心和支持。
This vid was totally a group effort so big thanks to everyone who helped and supported that day. Now Scott (who directed it) will get his chance to go off in the editing room!
| 這是團隊工作的勝利,非常感謝那天提供幫助和支持的朋友們。現在Scott(導演)又會在編輯室開始嘮叨!
| 这是团队工作的胜利,非常感谢那天提供帮助和支持的朋友们。现在Scott(导演)又会在编辑室开始唠叨!
Last night I went to support Eric Kwok and At17 who did a cool crossover show for Commercial Radio at Kowloon Bay. It was great seeing them play and watching them interact a lot with the audience.
| 昨晚我去支持郭偉亮和At17,他們為商業電臺在九龍灣做很酷的天橋秀。看到他們和觀眾互動以及出色的表演真是太棒了。| 昨晚我去支持郭伟亮和At17,他们为商业电台在九龙湾做很酷的天桥秀。看到他们和观众互动以及出色的表演真是太棒了。
I also had to stop by Fama's press con and check out their new tunes. It was great seeing DJ Tommy, Erica, and Edison. I have a song that was remixed by DJ Tommy that should be out on the next release too!
| 我還參加了”農夫”的新聞發布會,聽了他們的新歌。跟DJ Tommy、Erica和陳冠希見面很開心。我有首歌就是DJ Tommy混音的,也會在下張專輯中發布!
| 我还参加了”农夫”的新闻发布会,听了他们的新歌。跟DJ Tommy、Erica和陈冠希见面很开心。我有首歌就是DJ Tommy混音的,也会在下张专辑中发布!
Tom Lee invited one of the best acoustic guitarists, Doyle Dykes, to do a clinic showcasing his Taylor signature guitar. Wish I can play like that...ha!
| Tom Lee邀請最優秀的吉他師Doyle Dykes為他的Taylor簽名吉他試音。真希望我也能象那樣彈…哈!
| Tom Lee邀请最优秀的吉他师Doyle Dykes为他的Taylor签名吉他试音。真希望我也能象那样弹…哈!
The Nightmare Before Christmas is playing in 3D! Its totally worth checking out and comes with a free "limited edition" booklet. With Christmas around the corner now is the best time to watch it!
| 3D《聖誕夜驚魂》正在上映!絕對值得去看,還能得到免費的”限量版”手冊。聖誕節就要到了,剛好應景!| 3D《圣诞夜惊魂》正在上映!绝对值得去看,还能得到免费的”限量版”手册。圣诞节就要到了,刚好应景!
Picked up the vinyl edition of the "No Direction Home" soundtrack which includes 4 records and alternative covers of my favorite Bob Dylan albums. It also has some of the best performances of his early career that was featured in the Martin Scorsese documentary. One of my favorite record sets so far!
| 選購了”家歸何處”的黑膠版本,裏面有4首歌曲及可選的我最愛的Bob Dylan唱片封面。這部由Martin Scorsese拍攝的紀錄片中有Bob Dylan早期的最佳演出,是至今為止我最愛的唱片之一!
| 选购了”家归何处”的黑胶版本,里面有4首歌曲及可选的我最爱的Bob Dylan唱片封面。这部由Martin Scorsese拍摄的纪录片中有Bob Dylan早期的最佳演出,是至今为止我最爱的唱片之一!
I don't know what I would do if the was no Ebay. Luckily I can still buy records and keep collecting stuff like this Bright Eyes 7". Yeah!
| 不知道沒有Ebay我該怎麽辦。我幸運地從中購買唱片並收集象這張Bright Eyes 7"的物品。耶!
| 不知道没有Ebay我该怎么办。我幸运地从中购买唱片并收集象这张Bright Eyes 7"的物品。耶!
This Interpol "Mammoth" single has a cool etching on the flipside.
| 這張Interpol的"猛獁"單曲,唱片上有很酷的版刻圖案。| 这张Interpol的"猛犸"单曲,唱片上有很酷的版刻图案。
Stuff I've been listening to this week: Scary Kids, Scaring kids / Jimmy Eat World / Iron and Wine / Dashboard Confessional
| 本周我在聽的歌:Scary Kids、Scaring kids / Jimmy Eat World / Iron and Wine / Dashboard Confessional。| 本周我在听的歌:Scary Kids、Scaring kids / Jimmy Eat World / Iron and Wine / Dashboard Confessional。
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68qqyM-_K4w The new Foo Fighter's video "Road to Ruin".......genius!!
| Foo Fighter最新MV ”Road to Ruin".......天才!!| Foo Fighter最新MV ”Road to Ruin".......天才!!