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the Onimal needs another movie award… | Onimal需要另一個電影獎項…

We attended the Mad Detective premierein full-force tonight to support my “brother from another mother” (merely using that type of urban  colloquialvernacular makes me feel at least ten years lighter).  The brother I speak of in this entry is none other then the one and only, Onimal (a.k.a. playa, a.k.a. Andy On).


In order to NOT spoil the movie for those of you planning to watch this film (since the less one knows about this film going into the theater, the more one will enjoy it), I won’t comment on the film itself, but I will say a few words about the Onimal.  


Andy is someone that I’ve always looked up to as an actor (in the truest sense of the word).  Without the aid of beer, the Onimal might (sometimes) come across as a somewhat shy and introverted human being not always adept at expressing himself.  However, as soon as the camera rolls, Andy magically morphs into one of the most naturally talented actors I have ever seen.  To witness this fact, watch this film (and any of the other films that he has done).  


To sum things up - I wish I had four hands… so I can give the Onimal four thumbs up!

| 昨晚我們參加了電影 《神探》的首映禮,全力支持我"另一個媽媽所生的兄弟"(僅僅使用這種本地慣用語言就讓我感覺至少年輕十歲)。我在這裏所指的兄弟除了他沒別人- Onimal(又叫 玩家安誌傑)。


Andy是我一直都很尊敬的男演員(這是真的)。沒有 啤酒助興時,Onimal可能(有時)會有點害羞,他是個內向的人,不善於表達自己。但一旦攝影機轉動起來,他立即神奇地變成我見過最有天分的演員。想要映證的話,請看這部電影(或任何一部他的作品)。


(left 2 rite) Toto (mother and mother to be), Park (of 6 AM fame), Johnny Drama (the technical acting extraordinaire), Onimal (the evening’s real superstar), and Yours Truly...

| (從左至右)Toto(母親和即將成為母親)、Park(傳說中的 6 AM)、Johnny Drama (超凡的演技派)、Onimal (當晚的超級巨星)和在下…

“I dunno… I mean… you know… it’s just that I think the movie could have benefited ever so slightly if… you know… we were in it…” (sigh)

| "我不是…我的意思是…你知道…我只是想這部電影可能會更好一點…你知道…如果我們也參與的話…"()

16 年多 前 0 赞s  18 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45507
i definitely going to see the film......good stuff
16 年多 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
DID you take care of the "EMERGENCY ?"
16 年多 ago
thanks for your comments - andy and I appreciate all of your support!
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
June 5, 2007