Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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back to work

soo back in xiamen after a nice week of running around the hong kong with the family.. i am really impressed with the how much family that i have without knowing exactly who they are and how they are related through the many wives of the ancestors... i guess those were the days when one man could have a ton of wives...1st wifey , 2nd wifey.... etc.. it gets confusing after a few generations down the line.

when it boils down to it.. it would be totally cool to be the wife with several hubbies... hehehe..then we never have to really decide and try to have it all when we want.... haha..nah that is really an ill thought... after the many generations of feuds, rumours, that have been and gone all because one man decided to have it all...we could seriously write a scrīpt romantising all of the generations and hand me down rumours...anyone interested in pursuing this???... i do sometimes wonder as my imagination runs riot...between fashion, affairs of the heart and soul...generations of pains, gains and truths... this could be one juicy story to explore how human nature really is ready to cope without feeling blown out..

okay all.. time for bed....

over 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
yeah, it's not really fair, haha! I'm in Hong Kong right now getting ready for the Musical Moments concert! xox
over 17 years ago


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